Chapter 33

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I watch in amusement as Riccardo rubs my feet down in lotion, massaging the old bruised areas and loosening my muscles. He was genuinely worried for my health seeing my bruises fade at an unusually slow pace, it was two weeks ago yet my bruises were still noticeable.

I could have predicted that one though, I went half my life bruised up because they take forever to heal.

As he rubbed my legs he went higher to my thigh and rubbed a particular scar.

"How'd you get all these scars" he spoke looking up, trailing the long line with his thumb

I smile at the short flashback, I was a go-getter kid, couldn't stay still, never learned from lessons that physically scar me and I was always outside doing something, never stuck to TVs or phones.

I laugh and he looked up to meet my eyes.

"I think I was about nine, we were playing hide and go seek tag and I climbed into the tree hoping no one would find me, everyone started coming after me because I was the last one. The tree I was in was touching the fence so I stepped onto the fence and they had those little pointy tops, my foot slipped off the bar while I was holding the tree ready to jump off the fence. I caught my whole thigh on the point and as I fell in just continued to slice right down the rest of my thigh. I remember it, I broke my left leg for the first time that day" he shook his head with a little chuckle as I laughed at myself.

He reached up rubbing my cheek.

"What about these ones," he said rubbing multiple of the scars on my face and my smile turned into a grin.

"My dad was a mechanic and I was playing around in the car while he was he fixing something, fell right out the window onto his pile of tools" I move my finger to the small indent making my eyebrow an arch "This one was when we lost all the balls at my aunt's house and so we decided to improvise and play dodge ball with rocks"

"Babe-" he stared as I keep laughing "You know at least it wasn't something like child abuse"

My mom caused bruises never scars, my mom wasn't just Polynesian, that lady was mixed with Mexican and I think she had some Irish up there too and I don't mess with that sometimes. She threw anything at me without though, sometimes she felt bad, other times we both agreed that I deserved it.

"You never told me about yours" I said rolling onto him, rubbing the marks on his chest

"All bullet wounds, some stabs" he answered and I shook my head, I could count at least twelve bullets right now but not going to lie they make him look more got.

That's such a bad turn-on, scars, that's weird and sad but like there's just something about it that gets me.

He grabs my face kisses my nose "I ain't going nowhere baby, you ain't going nowhere either"

I squeal as he pulls me up, holding my waist to his face as he blows on my stomach. I try pushing him away in my fit of laughter, his hold tightening around me I could feel his smirk against my stomach.

"Riccardo" I cackled

That's right, I cackled and no, he did not stop, he did this to hear the crazy witch laugh that he enjoyed hearing for some reason.

"My baby" he wiggled his eyebrows biting his lips as he lets me pull away.

"The scar in your hair, on the left side of your head" he said and I look away trying to remember

Getting up and going to the mirror I search through my hair finding the long slender bald spot.

"That one?" He nodded and I gasp in realization "Sophomore year, I and my friends were jumping off at a place we called Hercules rocks in Makaha and I got distracted and jumped too early, the wave slammed me into the rocks on the shore, out like a light, woke up in the hospital"

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