Chapter 10

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"Hey" I smile walking out of the building and towards Riccardo, he held his hand out and held the door open.

"So what are we watching?" I ask as he pulls away

"That's up to you" he spoke smoothly

"So you wouldn't mind a heartwarming love story set in the 1900s where the man fought for the maiden's heart," I said dramatically and watching as he scowled "I'm joking, I'm more into the action"

That wasn't completely true, I guess I was a hopeless romantic, the Notebook and A Walk to Remember were still my favorite movies but action movies were great too.

"Whatever you choose" he huffed, I don't think he liked rom-coms but then again not a lot of men do and that kind of sucks, Jonah watches it sometimes,  then goes to watch action movies because he thinks he's losing his masculinity but that's just stupid to think your losing it because you watched a romance movie.

There was still traffic but we made it to the movies before the movie I chose started.

People had stopped to stare a few times, they took one glance at him but some would scurry away when he looked at them or caught others staring. He wasn't bodybuilder big but he was over lean, he had the body every girl had dreamed their boyfriend would have and I was still trying to get myself to believe he was real.

He had a scar on his cheek, his arms covered in tattoos alongside his chest and back, not a space left open below the base of his neck and above his waist.

"I'm going to take a phone call real quick, get whatever you want" Riccardo spoke pushing his card towards me as his phone rang

"Okay, you want anything" he stopped and looked at the menu

"I'll take some Nachos and a coke" I nod and he walks away near the bathrooms

I skip forwards telling the small girl my order, the girl looked around my age, she looked at me with a sweet smile as she made everything.

"Thank you," I said trying to pick the stuff up, Riccardo coming in for the rescue as he picked up what I couldn't hold or what was about to fall.

"Everything okay" I ask and he nodded reassuringly "Okay"

I smile and use my free hand to pull him, passing the women our tickets to get pass, she stared at him bitting her lip. I roll my eyes and continued to pull him.

"Hurry up you big bag of blocks, we're going to miss the beginning" I urged and he chuckled picking up his pace

As we found our seats at the top in the back I went back to the walkway to pick up the pack of candy I had dropped, bending over to pick it up when someone walked straight into me.

I fell back hitting my head on one of the chairs, their popcorn on the ground next to and on me.

"Shit I'm sorry" he said helping me up

"It's fine" I giggled rubbing my head and dusting myself off

The kid was suddenly pushed back by Riccardo, I reach my hand out to grab his hand, pulling him back as he eyed the frat boy in his Varsity jacket.

"Watch it kid" he said behind his clenched teeth

"Hey Ricky I'm fine, I'm fine" I reassure as he turned to look at me and I smile "let's go sit back down"

He backed away as I crouched down to grab my candy.

"Sorry about your popcorn" I frown looking back at the impatient face Riccardo had

I saw the look I was getting from the group of jocks and something told me that Riccardo didn't like that, I rushed back towards him as they started smiling and winking at me.

I sit down scooting closer to Riccardo as the group sat right beside us a row down.

The blonde that had walked into me kept glancing back and I would glance between him and Riccardo. He placed his arm around my shoulder, his hands clenching and unclenching as he kept his eyes on the guy. I just shook my head and leaned into his shoulder.

Riccardo's POV:

I wanted to shoot that little punk in his head, who the hell does he think he is, first he walks into her, and now he wants to stare.

Fucking rip his eyes out.

"Are you okay?" I turn to look down at the beautiful angel.

"Yeah of course"

"Your tense," she said in a duh tone

"Yes I am" I answer back glaring at the group of boys, immature throwing the popcorn they had left forwards at some couple making out

"Riccardo" she called my name, how I wish it was a moan coming from those plump lips.

I didn't want to be in some public theater, I'd rather be in my own in home theater but obviously she would rather be here, she was going slower then I was used to but then again I didn't date.

Fucking was the only thing I did, never have I felt so possessive over women, I would fuck them and watch as they scampered away to get dick from another man but her, I couldn't stand when another man even looked at her.

And they were always looking at her, fucking bastards.

I was getting fed up with the jockstrap staring at her.

I gently placed my hand under her chin and pulled her face to look at me, slowly leaning in and kissing her, my other moving from her chin to holding her waist.

Her hand gripped on my shirt as I pushed my tongue into her mouth, I wanted to know her, physically and mentally.

At first I was just wanted to show that kid who she belonged to but the longer I kissed her the more everything else faded away, the smell of her filling my nose and her hands on my chest. Her soft delicate skin could be felt through my shirt, she sent happy feelings through me as she laughed in the kiss.

She pulled away giggling as I kiss down her neck, the noise sent emotions to my heart, she was beautiful and even her laugh had me feeling a certain type of way. She made me feel so many things.

A soft moan coming out of her mouth as I suck at her neck, now I had remembered about the boy a few seats away, why not enjoy myself while he was watching.

I wouldn't go far, just far enough to get the point across the room.

I sucked and kissed until a bright red spot had formed on her skin, moving down to add more hickeys to her neck. I smirk pulling away and pulling her on my lap, rubbing her mid-thigh and squeezing it as I moved all around her neck.

"Riccardo" she said breathlessly

"What's the matter baby" I whisper in her ear, nipping at her ear lobe

"Please" she whispered back into my ear

I was caught off guard, she seemed outgoing and friendly but I thought she would be shy in the beds.

"Please what?" I asked with an amused smile, her face beating up and her arms circling my neck.

"Please" she gulped lowering her voice, her hand rubbing up and down my chest "Let's leave"

I smirk "You sure you want that baby" she nodded and smiled biting her bottom lip, god I love those lips.

I stood up letting her to the floor but pulling her back to my chest, shoving my clad cock into her ass while grabbing her purse, along with my phone and wallet.

I wanted her so bad, I wanted to feel her wrapped around me, mouth or cunt, this wasn't just to make that boy jealous, that was just the bonus to getting her.

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