Bonus chapter

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"So are you excited to finally meet my parents" Sidney asked Arabella who was bouncing in her seat nodding her head in reply to the question "They can't wait to meet you, they've been going on and on about how happy they are to get to see you in person and hug you"

Riccardo smiled at the two, his little girl who wanted to see her grandparents for her fifth birthday and his fiancé who was finally ready to get through with a wedding. He loved how dedicated Sidney was to making her own career, she worked hard for the past year getting her job and getting two promotions in her first year and a half with the company. That's got to be a record somewhere and now that the job is secured it was their chance to get the wedding they wanted.

Riccardo frowned as Arabella's face turned confused "Sidney  why do I get to call them Papa and mama but can't call you mom, cause everyone says that if your not my mom then they're not my papa and mama"

Riccardo glanced up to Sidney with a small smile while ruffling Arabella's hair. He too was bothered by that, he was okay with Arabella calling Sidney mom, she always has taken the mother role yet she won't allow herself to be called by the actual name.

Sidney had gotten into many arguments about that with Riccardo, Riccardo's pointing out that she was always taking care of his kid, being only a few months old Arabella was more of their kid not just his but Sidney still had the argument point of Arabella not being her actual child, something Sidney believed that Arabella could hate her for if she just let Arabella grow up calling her mom.

Not a lot of people remember things as early as five and that is why she didn't want the conversation now, maybe closer to the teen years, a few years from now, eight or nine. She felt like she would be lying to Arabella and she didn't want to feel that way, deep down she didn't feel worthy of getting that title, even if she had earned it.

"Family is more then blood relations, if you see them as grandparents then they are your grandparents, I grew up with my step-grandma being me actual grandma too, not having similar DNA doesn't make it any less real"

"Aren't you the same thing though?" Sidney looked around with her eyes meeting Riccardo's who looked as if seconding his daughters words.

But he still had Sidney's back either way "it's a little more difficult, a talk we don't think your ready for yet but you'll understand when your bigger"

"But daddy I am big enough, I'm bigger then last time" Sidney sighed and stood up lifting the girl, placing her on her lap as she sat next to Riccardo.

"Does it really bother you that much not calling me mom? Im still here" she spoke softly to the little girl who played with the buttons of Sidney's shirt.

"Everyone else has a mom, even Ben has a mom and his real mom left to heaven with the angles" Sidney smiled at the innocent child, she understood death but not fully.

Riccardo didn't know what to say, this was always their argument topic, he knew she had her own opinion and he knew how she felt about it but Sidney was worthy of that title, the long nights, the sick days, the tantrums, the sad and happy moments Sidney was their taking care of Arabella with him no matter how early she had to wake up for work or how many exams she needed to study for.

She dropped it all and made his child a priority even when Riccardo protested against it. She deserved that title more then anyone, a lot more then Mia and Arabella would not hate her for taking Mia's responsibility's, she would hate Mia.

That's what frustrates him the most, that she didn't see how much good she's done. How she's helped him parent and more so taught him how to be a parent.

"I'm sorry honey" Sidney hugged Arabella tightly, leaning her head on Riccardo's shoulder.

"I wouldn't hate you, I hear you and daddy talking... my real mommy isn't coming back, she sounds mean but I want a mommy, I don't like not having a mommy, it's not fair"

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