Chapter 11

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⚠️⚠️Warning bitches bout' to have sex ⚠️⚠️
If you ain't into this I suggest you skip this chapter and don't come at me if my smut sucks cause I tried

I moan as he pinned me to the side of his car, panting for breath as it felt like electricity ran through me, I don't know what had gotten into me but I do know I'm thankful for it.

I reach down rubbing his bulge, pulling at the waistband of his pants, god I needed this and I so wanted this.

He groaned into my neck, the sound of his grunting as I palmed him through his pants, the sounds he made making me more wet than before. I continue to pull at his pants, playing with his belt buckle that made a clanking sound with my bracelets.

I laughed as he pulled me away from the car, yanking open the passenger side door and sitting in in it, he kissed the exposed skin of my stomach pushing the chair as far back as possible and laying the chair down. I giggle at this, the only time I felt extremely bold was when I was horny and right now I was.

I push him back and climbed over him, closing the door next to me. How I managed to straddle him I wasn't sure but I was, grinding and moaning as I got some friction to my clit.

His hands moved up to my waist, guiding me around as I lean into his shoulder moaning.

I only did sex with my ex and I didn't like sleeping with people I didn't know or haven't known for a while, my body physically didn't get turned on by strangers and Riccardo wasn't a stranger but this was faster than the other guy who never made it even halfway to this step.

It had been so long for me since I had sex, almost eight or nine months, my climax was already building up but I wanted everything from him, I wanted him to be in me and guiding me on his cock like he was now.

I grabbed his arms and threw them off of me, sitting up and pulling my shirt off. I looked at him hovering over him as he stared at me with lust-filled eyes, the parking Garage lights dimly shining into the car.

He grabbed my hands as I reached for his belt buckle.

"You sure baby" he spoke

I whimpered and nodded, he let my hands go, he watched me as I scooted back and pulled his pants down to his knees, pulling his shirt off. He chuckled and grunted as I stroked his cock, my free hand laying on his lower stomach tracing one of his tattoos.

His pelvis thrusting up into my hands and throwing his head back.

"Shit baby, hurry up and get on my dick" I move to push my sweatpants down to the side of my thighs, getting it to my lower thighs before he pulled me down against his chest, our skin rubbing against each other the car began to get hot, the heat of our bodies together not helping the fact.

He moved to sit up, me still straddling his lap but moving my body to the side as he reached down yanking the sweatpants off of my legs and throwing it to the side. He pulled the glove compartment open pulling the condom box out and throwing it in the backseat before laying back.

Grinding onto his base, his cock rubbing between us as I lay flat against him, his hand roam my ass, slapping and squeezing using it to pull and push me up against him. One of his hands came up and ran through my hair, I continue to moan and whine as his heavy breaths fall on my ear.

"You gonna' ride my dick huh baby?" He questioned with a bit of amusement in his voice as I continued to rub up on him even after he removed his hand from me

I nod "Yes" I let out a long whine

He reached next to him grabbing one of the condoms and throwing the box to the side, the contents falling out and all over the floor.

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