Chapter 42

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Fearful wasn't even the word, furious was more like it and I felt like I was going to start losing my temper.

It was alarming to wake up tied to a chair but it also irritated me, my skin burn from the rope and it still continue to scratch at my wrist to this very moment. The wallpaper was peeling off the walls in an ugly manner, tattered furniture was laid around, and the ceiling design was beautiful but it looks ancient with holes creating it's own skylight.

I had woke from the whistling of a guard, there were men just sitting around, a table of them gambling in the corner.

Sure I was scared out of my mind but I was too stubborn to show them that, I had way too much pride in myself for that. I would die before I let them know I was intimidated.

It was pitch black dark outside and the whistling was unsettling for me, I grew up believing in superstition, and right now waking a dead spirit was not something I was ready for.

"Are you at least going to tell me why I'm here" I calmly ask, maybe if I sound the part then my body will start to react the same way.

"The boss will be here in a few minutes" the brown-eyed man spoke, I could see his disgusting smirk outlined under the fabric of the mask "Maybe he'll tell you... or show you"

The room was dimly lit by another ancient piece of the room, an antique chandelier holding on by a few screws and a thread.

Wires were running around me and I could see the shadow of a spotlight light but they didn't turn it on which seemed rather weird.

I was consumed with all my worry, my head was still wrapped around them waking a damn spirit and I was scared of what was going to happen to me in general, I doubt anyone saw my face and who knew if the taxi driver was alive, he was the only person who saw my face. I didn't know if whoever was driving the other car would have been dumb enough to leave finger prints.

"He's coming" Someone whispered from in the dark

Everyone in the room shot up, a man left to clean the cards up and get into place before his boss came in, I shuffle around in the chair nervously, trying to keep a composed face was beginning to feel impossible as my hands slightly shake at the thought of whoever these guys work for.

My cuts were scabbing up but they weren't as bad as the blood made them out to be earlier in the night, or maybe it was morning now.

A door opened and the floorboards creaked under the pressure of whoever these guys boss was, I was questioning how stable the wood was, everything looked eaten away but that's what made it a better hiding place.

It looked abandoned and I had no doubt this house looked just as bad on the outside as the inside, the roof was slowly falling apart around the hole in the ceiling.

His face was dimly lit and I stare trying to make out his facial features.

I stare back at him following the movement of him until he went around the back of me, an unsettling feeling creeping up my back as I could no longer see or hear him.

I stilled when his hand crept up my arm and squeezed my shoulders, my teeth clamping down and squeezing as I try not to squirm or let out any sound.

I could feel him getting closer to me, his breath blew against the side of my head, and his fingers moved under my shirt touching my bare shoulders. His fingers made me feel like I had bugs crawling on me and I wanted to shake his hands off but I also wasn't sure what would happen if I did.

"Your boyfriend is going to pay" he whispered into my ear

The spotlights flickered on and fear consumed me as I truly got a good look at the room, not only many people but many weapons, things I have never seen before but the way the blue eyes that I last saw held those tools had me put into a silent panic attack, my hands shook but I keep my breathing at bay.

I'm flooded by emotions, I was terrified when the shadow of a person placed a camera directly in front of me. The small number of people who hadn't worn masks were putting them back on, covering any skin that wasn't hidden.

My body started to shake more violently as I try to hold back my scream.

The thick hard steel bar slammed against my legs, my bones ache at that hit alone but nothing hard enough to break, they just looked like they were testing things on me. They didn't untie me but added a piece of metal restraints to my arms and legs, I was suddenly hit with a painful shock that traveled quickly, they held it there and that was enough to have me scream.

A high pitched screech that could have had glass cracking. When when it stoped my body went limp but I was still conscious, just too in pain to move.

I could hear something dragging and I tilt my head up looking through my curtain of hair to the long rope that dangled from a handle. It whipped up against my stomach, small nails tied on the string piercing through my hoodie and into my skin.

A gasp was cut off by the echoing of my scream, another whip came to my back as I hunched forwards from the pain, this one more intense.

The blue eyes had came back to stand behind me, he yanked my head back holding my head next to his as someone brought the camera up to my face. I try to keep it together, tears had slid down my face but whipping them were impossible. This pain had seemed different compared from when I had hurt myself at a younger age.

The aching wouldn't stop, the pain of breaking my leg seemed to feel like only a fourth of the pain I felt now.

"Say hi to Riccardo sweetheart" he chuckled into my ear

I try to turn away and push him but that only got me a punch, the chair and myself fell, angry tears falling more as he grabs my hair pulling at my hair as he crouched on the floor.

"Do as I say or I'll just have you scream more" he threatens softly as the camera was back in my face "Now what do you say to Riccardo"

"...hi" I spoke trying to hold in my sniffles

His blue eyes seemed hideous now, a victorious smile on his face as he and the camera moved away and two people came around to put me and the chair sitting back up.

"You know Riccardo she really is beautiful, it's a shame she might die, we'll see just how much she can take, your clock is ticking, have fun finding her" he smiled evilly

I was suddenly drenched in cold water, my body went back to shaking but this time it wasn't just me panicking, my teeth shivered as the cool breeze hit my skin.

I look to the corner we're a man stood next to an electric box, slowly flipping a switch and sending another agonizingly painful round of electricity through my body.

My body jumped as I try to get away from the chair, my mouth clamping shut as long muffled and held back screams ripped through my throat, my breathing off beat but seemingly never pushed an asthma attack on me.

But right now the asthma attack seemed amazing, I didn't know what was going to happen to me and I know I shouldn't be thinking about wanting death to come to me but that's what I was craving at the moment.

The other half of me wanted to be in bed, eating Chinese in the arms of someone, anyone of the people who made me feel safe and at peace.

My mom, my cousins, my best friends, Riccardo.

They made me feel untouchable, they would never allow someone to hurt me if they could stop that pain and I was thrown, my body hurt and I was close to the darkness, I didn't know what kind of darkness it was but I wanted that darkness.

If it wasn't my time god wouldn't take me, but if this is how I went out, hell will be seeing many faces because my family always had my back and they will get their justice.

Not even god could save them from the wrath of my family and right now all they were doing was aggravating Riccardo.

I would not die in vain though, that I was sure of.

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