Chapter 24

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As I look around the room I realize I really didn't have anything to fix my appearance or hide the hickeys. Kenzie was right, I looked all kinds of fucked up, my hair looked like absolute shit, and I looked tired now.

I pull the black spandex on and a black sports bra after.

He stayed in the bed unmoved, watching me the whole time with low eyes and soon he started to doze off.

Standing up and walking out of my room, closing the door softly I sigh seeing the two sitting on the couch waiting for me with a big smile.

"He is mighty fine" Kenzie started "And those muscles, the tattoos, the eyes, just everything"

"Could you not fantasize about my boyfriends right now" I said walking to the fridge

"I'm sorry but he's so fine" she groaned "looks delicious" she wiggled her eyebrows at me.

"When you said you were seeing someone, I thought you meant like a scrawny tech or writer type of guy, not a personal trainer, bitch" Jonah spoke making me blush "And don't think I didn't see those little restraints on ya" Jonah winked

"Does he have a brother" Kenzie blurted "Where is he anyway? I want to formally meet him"

"He fell asleep"

Kenzie was smirking, I shook my head taking a sip of water, throwing some at her when she started wiggling her eyebrows suggestively at me again.

"Stop, don't do that"

"Do what? I was just thinking, you must have ridden him good and tired him out"

I scoff and rolled my eyes "I didn't even do anything, he was just tired and now I am too"

"So you both tired each other out" Jonah corrected and I clicked my tongue annoyed and threw the whole water bottle at him

Slipping into the bathroom and giving myself a quick wash before I went back into my room.

He slept so peacefully, one hand under his head and the other sprawled out, his chest moving in a slow comfortable pace telling me he was basically knocked out cold. I pull on some undergarment and a sweater before I got in bed next to him.

I turn on the tv watching, not a noise made him stir.

I was enjoying my Harry Potter marathon the other day and of course, I didn't get all the way through, I didn't get to rewatch the last one so why not do that now.

Throughout the movie Riccardo got a few texts but of course I didn't look, but then it kept vibrating.

Mia kept popping up on the screen, Allison kept texting, and I was getting curious.

Not going to lie, my heart dropped. What if he already had a girlfriend and I was just the side chick, that could have been a friend or relative easily but he told me he wasn't in touch with anyone from his family.

I wasn't going to fight for a guy who didn't even belong to me.

I wanted so badly to reach over and grab his phone, to answer and go crazy girlfriend on her but I also don't want to be that kind of girlfriend, I was never that kind of girlfriend and I'm not going to start being like that either.

And I definitely won't let that guy hurt me during it all.

My body wasn't listening to my mind because my hand reluctantly reached over and grabbed his phone. At times like this face recognition was the worst password you could ever have.

Pointing the phone to his face and making my way into his texts.

-Please call me back

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