Chapter 38

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From Hawaii to Brazil, now it was my turn to be meeting his family but he seemed more nervous then me. I had to switch seats with him because he was distracted, he would zone out and jump back into the present every now and then. A few minutes ago he almost slammed into another car while zoned out.

He was quiet when we had reached the hotel, the wedding was in a few hours and jet lag was kicking my ass.

I was amazed to see Riccardo asleep when I had woke from my nap, he was on some serious edge, everywhere he looked when I was driving was like a ghost popping up, giving him no time to react before another. All I could do was hold his hand and soothe him by not questioning his nervousness.

The shower was refreshing and I was feeling a little nervous while getting ready. The hair was starting to be a problem because I didn't know what to do with it, so like other days just throwing in some hair product to keep it from frizzing and throwing on a dress from my suitcase. I groan looking at it, I didn't know if this was a casual wedding or big and formal.

I slid on the heels and any additional accessories before leaving the bathroom.

Riccardo stayed laying against the headboard watching me enter the room. I bit my lip staring at him, admiring his inked chest as I approached, my hands on each side of his body and giving a soft sweet kiss.

"You got to start getting ready baby" I said leaning into his shoulder, sitting at the edge of the bed

"I don't know if I should go" he sat up sighing "I just feel like I'm not welcome, I've done and said things that I don't know if they'll forgive me for"

I open my mouth not knowing what to say, closing my mouth and trying to figure out how to respond to his words.

"Your not going to this wedding for anyone other then your sister, she invited you and she said she wanted you there in the letter so the only person that you need to be worried about forgiving you tonight, is your sister" I smiled rubbing his arm soothingly "As for everyone else, if you want there forgiveness for anything that you've done then, you need to apologize"

He whined and fell sideways onto the bed.

"I don't apologize, not to them, I'm still mad at them but I need to be there for my sister, she was the only one who defended me, she never held anything against me, and she stood by my side and saw the best in me on my worst days" wrapping my arms around his arm I kiss his bicep leaning my head against him, his head leaning on mine as he sat up

"Okay, then get up and go get ready" he chuckled as I stood up pulling my dress down "But first tell me what you think, too much? Too ugly? What?"

"Perfect baby, you look gorgeous"

"Are you sure I'm fine in this, I don't want to overdress if anything"

"Trust me, no one will outshine my sister on her wedding day if she's anything like before" he rolled his eyes but a small smirk sat at the corner of his lips

"Where will the wedding be?" I ask as he starts to undress

"The ceremony will be held at a church my grandmother took us too growing up, the reception will take place right here in this hotel" 

He leaves everything at that and heads to the bathroom. I simply shake my head and make my way to a cute window seat, staring out into the streets of walking tourist and locals, the beach full and packed all the way down.

I sitting back I breath in the air and take in the new surrounding, I was in the same Rio as those blue birds. I sat there admiring what I could see, the water looked beautiful but there were too many people on the sand already.

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