Chapter 9

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"Morning Ryan" I greet as I walk through the front doors of the gym

He smiled at me but looked down quickly after, I walk up to him and move his face to look at me.

"Are you okay? What the hell happened?" I asked worried, his face covered in bruises and one of his eyes barely open

"Umm, last night I got jumped on my way home, I'm fine it'll heal," he said pulling his face out of my hand and looking down while folding a few towels

"Are you sure your okay? Did you go to the hospital?" He shook his head

"Really Sidney I'm good" I just smile and nod

Walking to the locker room and throwing my things in before walking back out and over to the cable station. I get into position pulling it straight down to my side, keeping my arms straight.

"Hello beautiful" I glance over my shoulder and smile at Riccardo as he walked towards me

"Hello Ricky " I tease

He sat on the equipment next to me and watched intently, I could feel his eyes move along my body.

"What are you doing tonight?" He asked and I shrugged

"Probably the normal, arguing with my friends and cooking dinner, then sitting in my room waiting for this guy to text, he's really cute, he's got this blonde hair and light brown eyes, he's tall too" I grin looking over to him, describing something not even close to his description and watching a scowl grow on his face "I'm joking"

He stood up and came to stand behind me.

"You better be" he growled in my ear, I felt his hand run up my thigh and over my butt, it was slow and sensual, his lips making contact with my neck as he sucked and nipped at my skin

I softly moan as his hand rubbed and squeezed my butt but snapped back into reality when a slap comes to it, his deep laugh coming soon after. I didn't flinch at the slap like Kenzie's, a weird thing to say at a time like this but it was so true, Kenzie puts all her might into her slaps.

I was weirdly okay with the fact that he just touched my ass, technically we were talking a little over a week and of course, I had already gotten attached to the man after our first official date.

"How about a movie date tonight" he suggested sitting back down

I gulp nervously while moving to the bicycle a few feet away, his body moving to face me and his eyes staying on me.

"Depends on the movie, if you try that horror movie thing idiots do with their date I will never talk to you again" he smirked and nodded

"Well what are you into then?" I continued peddling and thought about it

"Anything but horror really" I shrug "Already so persistent with the second date"

"It's been a week since the last one" he smiled at me nodding "You do remember that right"

Again I shrug "I guess I'm just not used to going on a second date or having another date only a week later"

"Get used to it then," he said staring into my eyes, it was one of those hypnotic stares, the one where you feel pulled in by a person's eyes like things slowed down around you.

He walked to the weights section a little to my right, he could bench over four times my weight, and let me tell you, I wasn't as light as people thought.

I watch as he starts to sweat, losing time as I just watch him move around yet staying so close to me, every time the front door would open he would glance at me and then watch the person walk by, eyeing them down cautiously.

He was always alert, he seemed tense in public with others around but he would smile freely when we were alone. Of course, I had observed that over the last week or two, I was here and he also happened to always be here, he dropped the friends that came in with him before, I haven't seen them in here in a while.

"Hey Sidney " I turn to look at Ryan as he called me, his eyes looked behind me towards Riccardo, a look of fear but Riccardo's face only held anger and annoyance "You weren't answering your phone, Jonah's been trying to call you"

I nod and he scrambled away

I could feel Riccardo standing next to me, his hand on my back and the other on the handlebar of the bicycle machine that I didn't even move from, I missed riding bikes but there was no way in hell I would do that here.

"Who's Jonah?" Riccardo's voice came out, the annoyance and anger still evident

"Relax macho man" I laugh turning towards him but he didn't find it funny "Jonah is my roommates who just so happens to swing for the same team as myself, he would be more interested in you than he would be so calm yourself, big guy"

He did visibly relax

"I gotta go right now but I'll see you later for that movie" he nodded as I began to move away

• • • • •

"Hey guys" I greet as I walk into the apartment

"Hey" they call out laying on the couch watching Bad Boys for Life

"Look at how fine he is," Kenzie said, staring at the TV with a loving look "Armando and Mike is daddy"

Jonah and Kenzie looked at each other and started laughing, I loved this movie the first time I watched it, poor Armando though didn't even have a clue.

I just shook my head, I knew for a fact that I just came home for no reason.

Whatcha' doin'?

Nothing, what are you doing beautiful

Realizing my friends waste my time too much,
Came home for nothing

I can relate, I'll talk to you later
I'll pick you up at six again, see you then
Dress comfortable

But don't expect comfortable to be pretty and don't come to the door
Just call me when your downstairs


I was disappointed that he couldn't talk, there wasn't anything much to talk to him about but still, I liked hearing his voice.

The remainder of our second date hit me and I quickly got off the bed, opening the closet I look for something that looked comfortable but made me look cute at the same time.

He said we were going to watch a movie and I had no problem going to a movie theater in my dark gray sweats and matching cropped jacket.

I lay them on the bed and smile.

I move to walk into the living room where Kenzie was crying about Armando getting shot.

"Hey I'm working late tonight" they turned to look at me

"Your off today" Jonah said with suspicions eyes

"I got a new job" I said hiding in the bathroom, if they couldn't see me then they wouldn't suspect I was lying "It's at the library"

Like the cross repealed evil the library repealed my best friends, I haven't seen them get close to the library in years, back home they would walk across the street to avoid the public library, sucks because the fire station was right next to the library, we would sit at the bus stop and watch them workout sometimes. Good times.

"Kk" Kenzie called out

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