Chapter 18

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I sat in the black Range Rover quietly, a large buff guy driving and another in the passenger seat.

"Um so where exactly are you taking me?" I ask

"Bosses house" The one on the right answered

I nodded and leaned back more, they were intimidating, to say the least, they were super buff and looked taller than Riccardo.

"I'm Sidney, what's your name?" I ask trying to get rid of the awkward silence.

"I'm Landon and he's Esteban" the man in the passengers seat answered

I nod again, this time choosing to stay quiet up until we pulled in front of the same building as before, when I and Riccardo came for the breakfast on the roof.

I slide out as Landon holds the door open, trying to stay in my own little bubble on the sidewalk, people were out walking around, young and old,

I walk with him in front of me and as we enter the front door I get stares, looking at the ground as I walk and pull the dress down a little.

Landon led me to the same guarded door and into the elevator, he didn't press the same button as last time but when we got to the floor it revealed a large apartment.

It opened up into the prettiest living room I've ever seen, it reminded me of the apartment from fifty shades of grey except it didn't look like that apartment it was just, I don't know it was just something that popped into my head at the moment.

I take a few steps forwards and watched as the elevator closed. I look to my left that revealed a dining room table that was humongous, in the far left corner there was a balcony that stretched across the side of the building up to the end of the living room.

A kitchen to my right and I so wanted to cook in there, everything was black, grey, or white, modern and fashionable. Kenzie would die if she saw this place, anyone I knew would die if they saw this place.

There were two hallways on each side of the elevator,  walking down the right side you could see the rest of the dinning room up until it ended. Landon led me to another balcony that gave the most beautiful view, I was in love with this place.

He left and I was left there to just wait. I lean on the railing and took a deep breath, the lights and billboards below lit the city up with color in the dark of night. The air wasn't fresh and there wasn't much green other then a few places but it was still pretty.

The strong and rough hands I had come to enjoy wrapped around my waist, gripping it while his lips attacked my neck.

"Just when I though I could wear something without  a hoodie in public" I laugh as he licked a sensitive spot

"I missed you beautiful" he spoke kissing my jaw

"I missed you" I giggle turning around in his arms, his eyes looking around my body

His finger hooked into the low v and kissed the valley of my boobs.

He backed up and pulled one of the chairs out for me, I walked over sitting down and crossing my legs.

He moved around the table and sat down, lifting the already filled wine glass to his lips as we kept eye contact. The sexual tension was thick but we had both tried to ignore it for some time.

"How's college been the pass week?" He asked, his eyes fighting to maintain eye contact but every few seconds they begin to stray.

"It's been okay but and before you get mad there isn't really anything I can do about it" he nodded and I continue "It's been a few weeks and a lot of people already need help with the book readings, our professor has a new quiz every other day on the chapters we're reading and I kind of took on tutoring gigs a few days ago"

He nodded again but I think he knew where I was going with this.

"Everyone's paying good money and tomorrow that guy that you told me not to tutor asked me to-"

"No" he said calmly

"Riccardo it's for money and I'll keep my distance-"

"Just because you distance yourself doesn't mean they'll stay back now new subject Sidney" I let a deep breath out

I look to him and he seemed to be at a crossroad, drinking the rest of his drink before watching me closely as I cross my arms and try to avoid looking at him, staring at the tip of a tall building

"Damn it Sidney," he said suddenly "Fine you can fucking tutor them but I find out they do something I don't like and it'll be your ass" I smile as he shook his head "And I'm dropping you off tomorrow"

"No you're not" I snort grabbing my cup of water

"Yeah I am baby" he spoke in a smug voice, I knew as much as I said no he would win because I was in fact the submissive bitch that didn't like disappointing people.

"How was your week?" I ask him this time.

He was away for a whole two weeks but we talked over the phone at least once a day.

"I missed you too much, but those pictures you sent kept me good company when your voice wasn't"

I blush placing the cup of water back onto the table, I did as told, it was hard and I was sexually frustrated all week but I waited like I was told and sent a few pictures every now and then in more lingerie, I think I actually got better at taking the pictures to.

He poured him another glass of wine and took another sip.

"How do you feel about handcuffs?" He randomly asked

I blush and lick my lips, squeezing my thighs together I fight back the blush and smile that wanted to grace my face.

"I'm not against the idea" I spoke softly, shying back a little but the more I started feeling turned on the more I was shying back in.

"That's good" he smirked "And how do you feel about me calling you my girlfriend?"

I looked up from the table and looked to him, there wasn't just lust in his eyes, there was something else I couldn't exactly pin point but again something about how he was looking at me made me feel butterflies.

"I know you said ten dates but seriously Sidney tomorrow would be exactly a month since I asked you out, the one you accepted to be exact" I smile as he rubbed his thumb and pointer finger together as if he was nervous.

I thought about it, we have been on at least five dates and I was closer to him than anyone else I've ever dated, including the year-long relationships, yet I had more feelings for him than those compared.

"I feel like I would like that" I answered and he smiled at me

Someone rolled the food in as he reached over and pulled my hand to his lips.

I blush as the girl annoyingly placed the shrimp and pork in front of us, her face set into a glare as she filled my water up. Riccardo noticed the look she was giving me, his jaw was tight but he turned back to me and began to make conversation.

Everything was just so beautiful right now, the view, I couldn't get over it.

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