Chapter 16

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I sigh walking into the apartment, I had an amazing day outside of the city having a picnic, we spent hours just talking and eating, it was amazing.

He made me feel so good about myself, he made me feel beautiful and wanted, being around him and seeing the way he looked at me just pushed away every insecurity I had. He gave me butterflies and giggles, a smile that couldn't be hidden no matter how hard I try.

I jiggle the knob of the door and twist the key at the same time opening the door, I spent the whole day with him, it was six at night and I was smart enough to bring some Chinese back for my most likely mad best friends. I did ditch them and not tell them where I was going, they hated being in the dark about things, being left out.

Pushing the door open the lamp in the corner turned on and revealed Jonah and Kenzie in the black recliner chair that matched the L-shaped couch.

"Looks who's home, where were you?"

I didn't answer them as I slipped my shoes off, putting my things down on the counter and walking to plop down on the couch.

Leaning back I sigh feeling content with my day.

I looked at them as they waited impatiently or an answer.

"I was on the best date I've ever had with the guy I've been hanging with for around two weeks" I nod and they stare at me

A loud high pitched screaming squeal came out of Kenzie as she got up and sat on the coffee table in front of me.

She reached forwards with an excited fave and punched my arm.

"How dare you take two weeks to tell us about him" she suddenly gasped with a grin on her face "I see hickeys" she sang almost twisting my neck to look at my very covered neck

"You let him kiss you after only two weeks" Jonah spoke leaning forwards, surprised, I didn't let any of my boyfriends kiss me until I felt comfortable enough, that was about a month and a half.

I blush and nod as Kenzie examinated me.

She pointed towards me with narrowed eyes "Who are you? Did you do the dirty?"

I look at her and shrugged not being able to contain my smile.

"You bitch!" She gasped sitting cris cross on the coffee table "Was he good, give us details"

"Well he face fucked me a few hours ago and we had car sex a few days ago so yeah it was pretty good" I smirk as she continued to squeal, Jonah completely blown away literally looked like he just took a punch to the gut, he was used to hearing me say missionary but obviously this sounded like more.

I know you think I shouldn't be sharing this with friends but Kenzie would just continue to bug me until she got answers, it's not like they would tell anyone about this part.

"Did he eat you out?" Jonah asked with a smirk

I shook my head "We got into an argument and well... that's where the face fucking thing came in and then... he said I wasn't getting anything in return as punishment" Kenzie froze making that whistling kettle pot sound as she fell back to lay on the coffee table

"Jonah our baby is growing up" I shook my head and rolled my eyes "Girl he got you wrapped around his finger" Jonah smiled and made a little chuckle sound.

"Shut up" I glare knowing exactly what he was thinking, wrapped around his cock.

"To think" Jonah started "She's getting more action than us"

"I know, you bitch" Kenzie turned back to me

I shrug and stood up "Well I bought you guys some dinner, well actually he didn't want me to pay so he bought you guys dinner"

Kenzie shot up opening the bags, going straight in for the orange chicken and fried noodles.

"Oh my god I love your man" I blush as she moaned about the food

"He isn't my man" I correct

"Yet" Jonah spoke walking pass me and digging in the very full bag

"You know you should get back at him for denying to pleasure you" Kenzie spoke with a full mouth "I mean that's like calling war"

I look at her with a raised eyebrow "And what do you suggest I do?"

She shrugged "Nudes?"


"You don't have to be completely naked, I bought you loads of lingerie, take a mirror picture and send it to him, just don't show the goods, that should turn him on, and then you'll both be in the same horny boat"

I stop and think about it, maybe I could do that, I mean we talked about boundaries while we were picnicking, he was protective based on everything he was saying so I trusted him with nudes.

"I'm not doing that" I said before walking to the bathroom

I took a quick shower, my friends left to their rooms already as I entered my own.

I looked at the mirror, staring at it and I was considering sending a picture of myself in lingerie to him, I mean it couldn't hurt. I sat on the bed and kept staring, should I do that.

In the end I was smirking, thinking about him was turning me on. I go in my draws grabbing a random thong, I may regret this later but right now I didn't care.

I lock my door, closing the curtains and drop my towels.

Putting it on I sit on my knees and spread them a little, back facing the mirror, I pull my hair to the side and lean forwards a little pushing my ass out.

Something told me he was going to be slightly mad but again I didn't care one bit, at least not at the moment.

Taking a selfie and holding my phone upright over my shoulder catching a great shot of my ass and naked back. I sit up straight sending the picture, nervously waiting for an answer back.

Seconds later it had said read but I never got a text back, my phone started ringing and it quickly went flying across the room onto my bed, I make a nervous Ooh sound. Slowly crawling over the bed and picking it back up and pressing the accept button, bringing the phone to my ear.

"You think your funny don't you Sidney" he sighed

I roll over onto my back and pull my blanket up to my body.

"No" I answer but smirk "well actually sometimes I believe that"

"I will have at your ass when I get back beautiful, trust me when I say that you will regret sending me that at a time like this" I laughed at his teasing tone

"I bet you will" I tease

"Yeah I will, how about you give me another picture since your feeling photogenic today, turn your ass around and let me see the front baby" I hum in disagreement and he ordered me, calling my name "Now Sidney"

I gulp feeling tingles shoot down my body at the demanding voice.

Getting up I move to the end of the bed that was still in shot of the mirror, getting back on my knees and placing my free hand on my thigh as he was placed on speaker.

I sent him a new picture bitting my lips nervously before he groaned.

"That's beautiful baby" I could hear the smirk in his voice "I can't wait for more, you get a good night sleep baby and remember what we talked about"

I rolled my eyes but spoke "No touching"

"Good, good night beautiful"


I hung up dropping my phone on the nightstand, he was into that dominance shit but in his defense he was a commanding man, honestly I was getting into that submitting thing. I liked it, weirdly, I liked when he said I was his and I enjoyed that rough stuff like earlier today.

I liked that it was him doing it.

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