Chapter 45

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"Where are we going?" I ask him tiredly, I wanted to sleep, with the leg surgery part and then the stitching that I got the day before, everything all together sucked and I hated hospital beds, they were just uncomfortable to me.

"I needed a new place"

"What was wrong with the other one"

"The other one was big but it was only a one bedroom and I would like to be able to do anything I want without being worried about her seeing or hearing it" he smirked at me and I punched his shoulder "You do get pretty loud at night"

"Shut up" I laugh

His laughter dims down as he watched me smile.

"I'm sorry-"

"Stop telling me your sorry, you have nothing to be sorry for"

"Yes I do, I don't know if it makes you think differently of me for having a kid or getting a girl pregnant, even if we weren't seeing each other at the time, I'm sorry if it makes you feel different"

"She's your daughter, I can't get mad at something that you did when you didn't know me"

"Still, I would be ticked if you got knocked up by someone else, it's a living reminder that you once had something with someone that wasn't me. I would deal with it though and I appreciate that your sticking around for me"

I shrug bitting my lip trying to hold back my smile, a stupid hopelessly in love smile.

"What did you say her name was?"


I hum "Okay, that's cute" And look forwards "Are you taking me home?"

"Do you want to go home?" I shook my head no "You know that there is a baby at my apartment though, right?"

"Are you hinting for me to say yes?"

"No, not at all beautiful, I'm just saying, she's only two weeks and wakes up more often then I would like and I wouldn't want you to feel uncomfortable with being there"

The though of going there kind of made me uncomfortable but then again I would have to start getting comfortable with her because her dad is my boyfriend and I don't want to be the bitch she grows up to hate. I'd rather be chill with her.

"One hundred percent okay with going home with you" I smile, staring at the Chinese restaurant ahead as we sit at the stop light "Riccardo"

"Yes beautiful" he answers

"I'm hungry" I reply shyly "Can I have noodles and orange chicken"

He chuckled and nodded

He left me in the car after parking but came back with my request and a few other things.

He was annoyed that I wouldn't allow him to carry me but what was the point in getting the crutches if I wasn't going to use them. I was a pro with crutches anyways, I moved faster then him and he was complaining about that.

I know he just mad because he can't hold my hand.

This apartment was more beautiful then the last, and the kitchen, oh my god I felt like that kitchen was my soulmate, something about the quart kitchen tops were calling to me.

"You know what just dawned on me, you went apartment searching while I was missing-"

"No" he quickly said "I was apartment searching before that, I just never got around to tell you"

I felt safe with him, it felt good to know that something that would traumatize others became something that didn't even seem to bother me.

A women walked into the kitchen as he set everything down on the counter.

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