Chapter 36

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I wake up moaning at the strong vibrations on my pussy, arching my back, and groaning at the pleasurable sensation between my legs. My fingers caught in Riccardo's hair as he eats me out, his tongue lapping at my soaked areas.

I pull at his hair pushing his head in deeper, my thighs wrapping around his head as I let out a muffled moan from between my shut mouth. He grunted and I looked down only seeing the top of his head, a vibrating wand in his tight grip pushed up against my clit.

My breath picked up as my stomach tightened, pleasure washing over me, Riccardo licking and sucking up my juices while holding my legs apart, turning the vibrations down as I ride out my high, once he pulled away he licked his lips, kissing up my stomach to my lips.

"Good morning" he kissed my lips, the taste of his tongue sweet and fruity, moaning into his mouth as I kiss back "Happy birthday beautiful"

"Thank you" I smile wrapping my legs around his waist "Was that part of my birthday gift"

"Yes it was, plus this" he said standing up, the briefs tight around his ass and his print well shown as he turned back around towards me with a tray in his hand "French toast, Portuguese sausage, bacon and eggs"

I groan at the smell and eat as soon as he placed it in front of me, kissing my head before he walked to the bathroom. I look over to the clock almost chocking on my food seeing as it was three o'clock in the afternoon, rushing to pick up my phone and call my mom.

"Hi bebe, happy birthday my honey"

"Happy birthday mommy" I smile, hearing the sound of people laughing and talking in the background "What are you guys doing?"

"We getting the food prepared mine and Neha's party, everybody was asking about you"

"I miss everyone, tell him Sasa said happy birthday, when does it start?" I ask trying not to be suspicious, I wanted it to be a surprise.

"Six but you know nobody not going show up until seven or eight"

"How your day going mama?" I ask

"It's good so far, everybody helped put the tent up and set up table and stuff, almost everybody went home already to relax or get ready so it's just a few of us cooking the rest of the food"

"Where's Kailee?"

"You know your sister is pissing me off, I going lick(spank) her pretty soon, fucking kid pushing my buttons" she grumbled

"Aww mom" I tease

"Shut up, what you doing tonight?"

"Not much, hanging out with my boyfriend and some other people" I smirk watching Riccardo walk out the bathroom with a low-hanging towel, grabbing clothes as he eyes my naked chest.

"You get one boyfriend, what's his name? How long? How you going hold out on your mom like that"

"His name is Riccardo, I've been seeing him for about five months already, he has a job, he doesn't do any drugs that I'm aware of" she hummed in satisfaction

"What he do?"

"He owns a few nightclubs and stuff"

"That's good baby, I'm glad you never get scrubs like Millie and Iaysha, should I be expecting grandkids from you soon"

"No mom, you know I'm more responsible than to get knocked up while still in school, I got to go ma, I'll talk to you later, I promise"

"Okay baby, I'll talk to you later" she sniffles "I love you Bebe"

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