Chapter 50

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About a two month had passed, Riccardo was ecstatic to see Arabella, I had memorized Adrian's number luckily and the pass week I finished my finals essays from in the hospital.

I wasn't good with moving much at first but by the end of the week I was fine and it was a whole summer stuck inside like a hermit the whole time, I didn't leave my apartment ever since I got out of the hospital, three weeks up in that place to treat the stupid burns but all worth it because my legs were their normal color again.

Nothing much was happening, Riccardo came over during the day time to look online for a new places, or at least that was his excuse to come over, saying he didn't want to do it at the hotel so he came to get my input, I knew he just wanted to make sure I didn't hurt myself or that I wasn't kidnapped again or stuck in a fire. You know.

Nighttime he went back to his hotel though.

Kenzie was now babysitting I and Arabella for fifty dollars an hour when he had stuff to do, the nanny girl kind of quit, but Kenzie was enjoying that the price is amazingly high, Riccardo didn't care how much as long as we were okay for the day and Kenzie and her father are in a small disagreement, she is cutoff until she apologized for calling his new girlfriend a ginger Oompa Loompa.

It shouldn't be funny but in her defense that was one mean red headed lady, she had the nerve to call Kenzie a hoe but of course Kenzie didn't tell her dad because she believes if her Dad loved her and wanted her to approve of the person he dated then he wouldn't see red head, with or without the insults as a factor but ginger head was acting like a crybaby and snitched.

Adrian had gave me the little detail that Riccardo found Marcus and I don't know how that went but I was told that Marcus would no longer be a problem and it sounded more serious this time.

Everything was amazing for the pass month a half, I was questioning just for how long everything would be fine but as of right now I was enjoying my recovery. My burns went away but the scars was a little red still and my broken leg was still broken.

"How are you baby?" Riccardo smiled as he walked in, bouncing Arabella in his arms

"I'm good, how are you?" I smile back

He walked around the bed and laid at the edge, placing Arabella on her tummy in the center, she just made three months two almost three weeks ago and she was very interested in touching.

"I'm good too" he says grabbing and holding my hand, kissing the back of my palm and going a little higher and kissing the burn scars around my wrist up to mid bicep.

I was insecure about it but he just made it seem so, unique but normal. I was happy to know that he didn't like me for just my looks because even if the scar wasn't extremely huge it was still big, it was something that could be pointed out easily and be seen as ugly. I love that it didn't change the way he felt about me though.

I made a small giggle sound and moved his arm to cuddle into his side, Arabella chilling as she stopped and stared at us.

I stuck my tongue out at her as she cooed and gurgled, reaching towards her chubby little tummy and tickling her side, her hand grasping onto my bracelets as they jangle against each other. I couldn't get over the fact that she was so adorable, she always got so excited seeing others, this girl could talk up a storm with all her little sounds.

"What are you doing today?" Riccardo asked me

"Nothing much, sit around and probably watch tv with Kenzie. Why?" I reach over with my other hand playing with Arabella's hair

She really enjoyed my bracelets, she was always so focus in them, she liked trying to grab my hand and shake it around to make noise.

"I though maybe a date to celebrate your cast coming off soon, just me and you, so you don't feel socially awkward like always" he chuckled pushing my hair from my face "and I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go with me to see some houses.. technically after that I wanted to have a dinner date with you"

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