Chapter 26

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I found myself starting at Riccardo's contact and I started to think long and hard about him, I really liked him, he put me first even with all the work he had and he never ignored me.

I then rethought my thoughts and turned to look into my mirror. Maybe we could work it out, I've given others second chances, never third though.

"You stupid" I spoke to my reflection "He probably cheated on you and you thinking about changing your mind about him, please"

Rolling my eyes at myself I make my way out of my room, walking pass Kenzie who was pigging out on the couch.

"What's for dinner?" I ask her opening the refrigerator

"As if I know, I don't cook" she mumbled licking the spoon of ice cream "Jonah went on a date though so I'm asking him to bring back something, you want anything"

"Nah I'm good, who'd he go on a date with, must be special"

"You damn right this guy is special, the only piece of ass Jonah's getting right now"

I smile and nod grabbing a breakfast bar despite it being six at nigh. I look at Kenzie and I just stare, she looked like Allison, or at least she had a similar body to Allison, the same blonde hair, a part of me pictured Allison's face on Kenzie's body and it annoyed me but I knew it wasn't Kenzie. I only saw the bottom half of this Allison chick's face and Kenzie has a beauty mark on her jaw and shoulder blade.

I wasn't skinny like Kenzie, I had meaty thighs and a large ass, I couldn't just slide my pants up, I had a gut, I have some stretch marks. I was obese as a kid and I always thought no guy would want me, even while I had boyfriends that's all I could think, just as soon as I thought I was beautiful a skinny thin woman knocks me right down.

"I'm going to the gym, don't wait up" I smile grabbing my gym bag next to the door and putting my shoes on I rush downstairs.

I was going to run to be gym but decided against it seeing as it was late, hailing a cab and as fast as I got in did I get out.

Jogging into the gym as it began to pour rain, walking into the locker rooms and change my clothes, brushing my hair out and placing it in a tight bun at the top of my head.

Standing in front of the mirror, I turn sideways sucking in and pushing on my stomach, now I was going to be stingy on things.

I groan in frustration and make my way out, instead of going to some weights or the treadmill like I did most of the time I went over to where there were just men standing around punching bags.

Stalking up and just sending a right hook to the punching bag, the bag swung a little and pushed up, the chain pulling back down when the bag weighed down People stare at me, their hands wrapped compared to mine, bare and soon to be bruised.

Years of my after-school fighting coming out on the bag, punch after punch with just a bunch of faces and thought popping up onto the bag. The half of Allison's face I had seen, Mia's unknown face and Riccardo's. Assumptions and scenarios running through my head, that fucking asshole.

Knuckles bright red, my body ached to hurt someone, I wish I was back home, fishing with my dad at midnight or hunting boars with friends or family would fix me up.

"Damn Mami" I stop snapping my head in the direction of a laughing man "What's on your mind? I could make you forget it"

I sized him up with a snarl on my face, fucking hate pricks like him, think so highly of themselves when they ain't shit. I turn back to the bag, cranking my hand back, rotating between punching and kicking the bag, rotating between each arm and legs.

"Yo mam-" I turn around kicking him in his kneecaps and sucker-punching him right to the nose.

Standing up straight and wiping my sweat as he dropped to the floor. His friends stare at me standing up and I laugh.

"What bitch" I scoff

"Why'd you do that? I was just trying to talk to you, get your attention, damn!" he whined

"Cry me a river" I scoff at him

His friend shook their heads at me, walking towards me with a glare set on their faces but amusement was shown as they watch their friend be a little bitch.

"Woah, woah, woah, woah" a women came up standing between us "I'm sorry about her, she not having the best Day"

The women brought her wallet out and started counting hundreds before passing it off to them.

"No harm done, again, sorry" they nodded turning around, helping pick up their friend and walking away

"You didn't need to do that," I said "And for the record, I ain't paying you back either"

"It's fine" she smiled nervously "Are you Sidney?"

"Yeah" I nodded eyeing the tall blonde girl, she flashed beautiful green eyes and freckles, absolutely stunning even in the baggy clothing.

She gave a small nervous smile and hesitantly held her hand out "I was hoping to talk to you real quick, I'm Mia"

I raised a brow looking at her and scoffed.

"And what exactly do you want to say to me, let me just warn you I will drop kick you if you just came here to rub something in my face"

She shook her head frantically and spoke nervously "No, I just- I wanted... Look. So... I don't want to get between you and Ricky's relationship, there is nothing that is going on between us, I and my family were having issues and he came by to pick me up because I called and asked him for some help, he didn't want you to know about me because we have a complicated relationship. I didn't sleep with him on that business trip and it was a business trip, I don't leave with him I just came back with him, we're old friends and I'm sorry if I caused problems. I'm not trying to steal your boyfriend or intervene, I watch him smile at all your texts and I haven't seen him genuinely smile like that in years"

I stare at her and just nod. What the hell was she saying and why is she saying it to me. I was still bitter at the fact he didn't tell me about her, so if I seem bitchy excuse me.

"That's nice to know but he still lied about you being there and you coming to his rescue isn't helping anything, so thank you for giving me something else to hold against him. I think it's sweet that you came here to say all of that but it really doesn't make me feel better, it doesn't make it any better that he got defensive, he also tried to take me to a place you've been with him and there's still the whole Allison part" I cross my arms and tilt my head "And no offense but I don't like you at all right now, so leave me the hell alone"

"I'll leave but just know that Riccardo really cares about you, and Allison was always just an easy fuck for him, that girl is in love with him but he isn't in love with her. He doesn't know I'm here and I hope we can keep this between us, he's a nice guy when you look past all the bad, I hope when everything comes out that you can look past it because you may not know it but you have made him happier in the past months then anyone has ever made him since he was a kid. Just please give him another chance, he deserves that despite what you think, he can take some patients sometimes" she spoke wiping a stray tear from her cheek before she turned and walked away.

Who are you to tell me to be patient with him, he yelled at me for looking though his phone, how about he have patients about that.

Does this chick really think I give a fuck about what she thinks he deserves? Fuck her and him, she can go join him eating Allison's tuna vagina, dick probably got STd's now.

When I finished talking shit in my head I turned back around, having another round at the punching bag, a small voice in my head questioning everything she said, curiosity and anger mixing up together.

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