Chapter 31

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I shook my head as we got out of the cab and started to walk towards the club entrance. Pulling at the top half of the dress, not trusting it much.

Riccardo said to go to the bouncer and tell him my name or if we had any problems, to call him when I was outside so he could come to get us.

"Kenzie, you know he'll be mad at you right" I comment walking pass the line, it was a very long line.

"I didn't even do anything" I stopped and turned toward her gesturing to myself.

"He will one hundred percent hate when you pull me out of his sight knowing I am in this dress, do you see the amount of skin that it doesn't cover" I turn around and continue walking.

I get nervous seeing the bouncer, he looked scary and he was really buff, scary kind of buff or a not-so-friendly-looking Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.

"Name?" He asked gruffly as I stopped in front of him.

"Sidney Castro" I answer and he starts running his pen down a sheet of paper up until he stopped, looking back up to me and nodding at me to go in.

I thought it would have been more difficult than that but I guess not, a man with a walkie-talkie came walking our way and gestured for us to follow him. Kenzie was quick to follow, Jonah had brought Oliver so he and Kenzie were two peas in a pod. Giving me space to breathe from the overly excited girl.

Jonah swung his arm on my shoulder and we walked together. Jonah close behind me as we walk into a roped-off section, the man stops and signals us towards a table, everyone else here looked rich and had the hard expensive stuff being sent to their tables.

"Boss will be here in a minute, he has instructed me to keep you all here until he has come out of his meeting"

Kenzie groaned as I nodded, the male snapping his fingers towards the bar, a waitress rushed around bringing a full tray of shots to us.

"What is your name?" I ask as Kenzie and Oliver already start shooting the shots down like it was water.

I was surprised when Jonah called him his boyfriend and of course I had to invite him because he was my best friends boyfriend, it was his idea and because I would have felt bad if he knew we were going to a club and I didn't invite him to tag along.

"Adrian" walkie-talkie man answered looking around "Stay here and please don't move until Mr.Reyes comes"

I nod and watch as he walked away, turning my head towards Kenzie who was shoving a shot in my face.

"Take it" she said

"What? I don't want to" I whine

"You told your boyfriend that you would drink with us and that was probably the only reason he let us in, you aren't going to have a good time sober, let loose for the night, I won't let things get too out of hand. You're not going to have any fun unless you do it and you said you would have fun before we came" she smirked, it would be lying if I didn't have a drink "Only need to take one"

I huff and tilt my head back letting it flow down my throat, hissing and clearing my throat as the bitter liquor burns my taste buds

"Thanks for letting me come Sidney" Oliver smiled at me

"No problem, besides you keep Kenzie's main attention off of me" he nodded and clinked the shot glass with Kenzie's.

I look down at the shot glass, this is why I hated drinking, after one I would want another and then another, which lead to another and ended with me doing something stupid while I was blackout drunk.

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