Chapter 12

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"Where are we going?" I continue to nag

He shrugged with a smug smile, he had kidnapped me after we finished our workout, picking me up and placing me in his car when I told him I needed to get home.

After last night he didn't care about holding back with the kissing thing, if he had the chance he took it.

"Come on Riccardo where are we going?" I whined

He glanced at me and rolled his eyes "Stop being impatient beautiful"

I blush and sink into the chair.

"Fine then" I pout reaching for the radio, trying to look for a good station "Do you have an aux?"

He smirked and nodded "in the middle under your panties"

I once again blush, pushing his arm and looking inside, I move to drop my underwear into my gym bag but he grabbed them from my hands just like last night.

"You can't be serious about keeping those!" I scoff trying to hide my blush and the smile that was creeping onto my face

"Dead serious, you want these ones back then you better be ready to provide a new pair" his hand moved to my thigh and squeezed as he continued to drive in the hectic traffic

I huff grabbing the Aux cord and watching as he puts the panties back inside, closing it and placing his hand back on my leg.

I plug it in and press shuffle on a random playlist, i had a playlist for each genre and my recent was a reverb and slow playlist, some of them hit differently.

I loved those kind of songs, especially back home, high as hell just chilling as everyone drank and did a bunch of other stupid stuff. I didn't smoke but my aunt made edibles, I and smoke didn't mix well no matter how much I run, one whiff of smoke and I was wheezing with those throat-stinging coughs.

My parents didn't have too many rules, get good grades, stay out of trouble, no drugs but to them cannabis was an exception. I was allowed to drink or smoke and stuff as long as I was home while doing it or with someone they trusted.

They were good parents though, they were loving and caring, they knew when to be a parents or friend to me.

I smile as I quickly recognize the song, it wasn't slow but I still loved this song.

I could feel Riccardo's eyes on me as I sang along to the Benny Blanco song, Khalid and Halsey thrown up in there's to.

"When I was young, we fell in love we used to hold hands man to at was enough. Then we grew up started to touch used kiss under the light in the back of the bus. I know your daddy didn't like me much and he didn't believe me when I said you were the one, every day, she found a way out of her window to sneak out late" I stopped and looked over to him dancing before continuing

No one will stop me from singing to a song I loved, not even Riccardo

"She used to meet me on the east side in the city where the sun don't set, and everyday you know that we ride through the back streets in a blue corvette..."

He laughed as I continued to let myself be me, this was probably extremely rare for me to be myself in front of someone I've only known for around two weeks.

It sucks for him because I was officially comfortable singing in front of him, dancing is one thing but singing wasn't something I did in front of just anyone.

As the song finished he brought his hand off my thigh and around my shoulder, kissing my temple.

"God your so damn beautiful" he said as I leaned into his side

"Does that mean your telling me where we're going?" I said sweetly

He chuckled and shook his head at me but answered "You said your friends were working so I figured why not get breakfast"

The sun was yet to rise, it was only 6 am and I know that's early but sleep wasn't the easiest thing for me sometimes, and getting up early was the best thing to do.

Luckily no matter how long I sleep I always woke up with so much energy.

"Where are we getting breakfast at?" I ask but he pulled over in front of an apartment building

I look back at him and he smirked at my confused face, getting out and coming over to my side opening the door for me.

People watch as we both walked in, his arms pulling me closer to him and holding my hand.

I smile and blush looking down, the effect he had.
We walk to a private elevator, how did I know it was private? It was being a security guarded door and you needed a key card or passcode.

The elevator started to move up and when it finally stopped and opened I smiled.

I looked up from the glass walls to the glass ceiling giving you a straight look of the sky, a large pool area on one side and a little garden with a table on the opened-up part, the cold air blowing through.

"This place is beautiful" I comment smelling one of the flowers "So what is this place? Or who's place is it?"

"It's mine, I just thought you would rather be up here than in my apartment" he walked closer to me lifting my chin, he was so sweet to me "I didn't want you to be uncomfortable"

I giggle pushing his hand away and looking around before skipping towards the outdoor couch, plopping myself down, and staring at the view, the city was absolutely beautiful.

The elevator soon opened, the sun slowly rising into the sky.

Someone placed the food on the table neatly, I watched as they shook under Riccardo's intense gaze.

Slightly nodding towards him before speed walking away.

"Is everything okay with her?" I ask pounding as she kept her head down and almost tripping on her own feet

"She's fine" he said leading me towards the table and pulling the seat out for me

I sat in the chair as he uncovered the multiple dishes.

"Pancakes, Crepes, waffles, toast, eggs, bacon, and some chopped up fruits" I smile looking up at him

"You didn't need to do all this, but I love it, thank you very much" I giggle to myself grabbing his fork with a strawberry on it, a playful glare directed towards me

"Anything for you baby" I blush placing foods on my plate

We ate and talked, laughing, him flirting and soon he took me back home, dropping me off in the front and I walked to my apartment. Fishing out my keys and unlocking the door I was caught off guard when I saw two very awake friends.

"Hey" I smile "I thought you guys where working today"

"Nah we quit, the manager was a fucking douche, he's homophobic and objectified Kenzie" Jonah scoffed and his nose would slightly flaring out as he breathed.

"Where were you? you're usually back by seven" I quickly turned around and opened the refrigerator

"I was feeling hungry and went to get some food and then I felt like taking it easy so I walked back" I didn't know if they believed me or not but I knew if I looked at them my face would probably rat on me  "I'm kind of tired after today's workout so I'm going  to take a pre day nap I guess"

I quickly move to my room, closing the door softly and locking it.

Dropping my phone on my desk and plopping in bed. I got a few seconds to stare at the ceiling before my phone chimed.


Dinner tonight?


Yeah,  I can do that

Placing my phone back on the desk I now needed to figure out how to sneak pass my two friends without them asking about how I'm dressed.

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