Chapter 7

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Kenzie and Noah finally got a job, it took them a few days but they decided they didn't want to be spending their parent's money anymore, though I don't think they get that when you get a job you have to work.

But now that they were out of the apartment, on a Friday night I was able to go on a date without their nosy asses all on my ass.

The bad part was I had to pick out my outfit and I had no idea what to wear.

I smiled as I picked up my phone, Riccardo had come to Nora's every day for the past few days and we worked out in the mornings together, he had been bugging me on the topic of our date but I just wanted to make sure that I like Riccardo for more than his looks before letting Kenzie and Jonah know that I was dating him.

They always tell me stuff about starting to date again but I don't like the idea of them meeting some random that I only like looking at.

Also, I didn't want them to get their hopes high, they liked when I went out into the world and met people, dating, they always got excited and if I hated tonight I didn't want them to be disappointed when I went back to my shell.

My recent's was filled with calls to him and I didn't want Kenzie snooping and they don't know anyone I know named Riccardo so, for now, he was Ricky because I knew like six Ricky's back home.

Pressing the call button and placing it on speaker I place the phone on my bed while looking through the closet.

"Hello" he answered and I blushed at the mere sound of his voice.

"Hey" I greet back

"You not bailing on me right?" He asked in a stern voice.

"No, I was just thinking how we didn't discuss where we would be going or how I should dress" I spoke looking at one of my sweats and moving them to the side with a sad look

I wish I could be in them right now.

"Anything you want"

"Is it a restaurant?" I ask grabbing the only dress I had

"Yes but if you would like to be comfortable I have no problem with that" I smile but there was no way I would enter a restaurant in sweats and a t-shirt

"Dress it is" I sigh to myself "I'll see you when you get here"

"I can't wait" he breathed, the words soft and he sounded like the way I did when I was doing something I liked, like he was admiring the thought of me.

I quickly scoffed at my thoughts and shook the idea away, pulling the little black dress on, the black material covered in a few layers of clumped netted fabric, a pair of white heels with clear straps.

This is what happens when Kenzie listens to me and doesn't buy me dresses.

The dress was tight against my body but it wasn't can't breath type of tight, it was pretty comfortable honestly though it didn't allow me to adjust it, if I pulled it down my boobs popped up and if I pulled it up it would be just under my butt cheeks.

I stared at my reflection for a few minutes.

Damn did I look good.

I hated to say it out loud, that would be rude to some people and that's some confident women shit but right now I could see I had a damn good figure, the dress did amazing things, it showed off the coke bottle shape I had, my B cups have never been better and I was sincerely grateful Kenzie wasn't here to see how good my butt looked.

I look at the clock and quickly move to put a layer of mascara on, makeup wasn't my thing, my mom would beat me if she saw makeup on my face, the furthest I went was mascara and lipstick or lip-gloss.

She said people who wear makeup didn't see their natural beauty, she would have my ass if I was caked up.

Brushing my hair I just let it fall down my back, I had straightened it a few hours ago so, I liked how it made my hair longer.

Slowly I took off the multiple bracelets, I didn't need it clanking together while I eat and distracting or disturbing others, if Riccardo was as rich as his car and suits made him look then this restaurant probably wasn't the casual type of place.

I strap on my heels as the time gets closer, I didn't expect him to be on time but when I opened the door and he stood there, eight on the dot I was surprised.

"You look beautiful" he complimented holding out the bouquet of red roses towards me.

"Thank you" I blush and grab the flowers from him.

"I'll be right back but you can sit down if you want" I smile at him, I've dated a few times but none of them brought me flowers

I grab one of the empty vases in the closet, filling it up and placing the flowers inside, there was no way I would leave these out here and I wasn't going to throw them away either.

I place them in my room and grab a purse real quick, the one thing I always forgot, it wasn't big but probably looked like an unnecessary size for a date, most people brought a clutch but I bring a whole ass purse. Putting a rolled-up sweat pants inside I wasn't about to come home late in this dress alone, a pair of converse with my wallet, and a few other things before zippering it up.

"Sorry, Okay, I'm ready, we can leave" I said moving to the door

He nodded following me into the elevator, his body against mine in the crowded elevator, it was Friday night though so it would be kind of expected.

No one was too close to him but he looked uncomfortable with the proximity, his hands fisted, muscles flexed under the layers of clothes and his jaw clenched as he glared at people.

He was picky about who was near him, that was something I noticed at the gym.

We were first out of the elevator, his hand gently guiding me to his car and he quickly moved to open the door for me.

I smiled sliding in, slightly moving the chair back before he got in, my legs were quite long compared to all those short girls that were in the elevator.

I watched him walk around the car and get in, slamming the door behind him.

He looks angry.

"Are you sure you want to go out tonight, I mean you look kind of, not okay" he turned to me starting up the car.

"Who do you live with?" He asked all of a sudden

"My friends" i answered

"There were guys shoes by the door" he scoffed

I didn't know what to think, was this guy serious right now.

"You think I have a boyfriend?" He shrugged and this time I scoffed "If I did I wouldn't have agreed to a date with you, do I look like that kind of girl"

He didn't answer until I reached for the door handle.

"I'm sorry, you never know nowadays and I had no right to think such things out of you, it won't happen again"

I looked between him and the door before pulling my hand away from the door to place my seatbelt on.

"Just drive" I mumble trying to contain the eye roll but I was unable, his jaw clenching at the rude gesture.

My mom would have slapped me upside my head.

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