Chapter 17

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I answer the FaceTime not looking at the caller and place it on the sink facing up to the ceiling.

"Hello beautiful" I smile at the deep voice

"Hello, Riccardo" I answer back clipping on my necklace and sliding on my bracelet, pulling the pants up a little more.

"I wanna see your face beautiful" I smile at the constant nickname, reaching down to leaning the phone against the wall and backing up a little "Don't you look sexy"

"Thank you" I smile

"One request" he said and I looked at the phone "Pull the shirt up a little more"

I pout teasingly, I didn't care if the shirt was higher I just wanted to mess with him, shaking my head no and watching his lips turn into a scowl.

"Sidney" I giggle a little at his firm tone, rolling my eyes and pulling it up a little more

"SID" I turn around with a panicked feeling and push the door shut, locking it before Kenzie could get inside "Hey I need my lipgloss"

I look around grabbing the tube before sliding it under the door.

"What are you doing in there?" She asked, her fingers waving through under the door as if she could actually reach the doorknob.

"Nothing now go away" I respond leaning forwards and placing the small rounded Mejuri hoop on.

"Damn my baby look good" Riccardo smirked over the phone.

I heard Kenzie squeal before yelling "HI, IM KENZIE"

"Why the fuck are you on the floor Kenzie? Just go in" I heard Jonah speak before the doorknob wiggled and a large Jonah walked into the the door

"She locked it stupid" Kenzie huffed before she started squealing again and sang "Cause she's talking to her boyfriend"

For a second I totally forgot he was on the phone.

"He's not my boyfriend" I groan kicking the door.

"Yet" both Riccardo and Jonah responded and I looked back at the phone with a glare only for him to wink back.

"Bitch, did he just talk again, his voice is hot, come on Sidney just open the door I just want one look" she groaned

"No, you just said his voice was hot why would I want you to know what he looked like, knowing he exist is enough" I turn around and smile at the phone "now go away"

"Sidney just one look first"

"Kenzie shut the fuck up and go away" I kick the bottom of the door again.

"Sidney, language" I turn around mimicking him and his eyebrow raised at me "I hope I didn't just see what I think I just saw Sidney"

I gulp at the serious face he gave me

"Oooh" both Kenzie and Jonah said from under the bathroom door "You got in trouble" they teased me as if I was some little kid

"You guys are so immature, Go. Away"

"Your just as immature as us" she whined

"Yeah I know that but not in front of people I date"

"Yeah right" Jonah scoffed "back home you did the stupidest shit in public places with an audience" they're really out here trying to expose me

"Yeah, remember that time you lost your virginity" Kenzie suddenly spoke and I quickly kicked the door

"Kenzie shut up" I whispered yelled crouching down to the floor

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