Chapter 40

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He was excited but nervous, I could basically hear his heart pounding in his chest and I watched closely as his foot bounced with anticipation as the private jet descend back to earth. Of course, it felt weird to be in such an expensive luxurious place but it was an amazing experience, Riccardo couldn't wait another six hours for the next flight and of course, the jet was already there.

He had of course missed the birth of his daughter but he was already going at ordering anything and everything. Her room was supposedly being decorated as we speak. It was nice watching Riccardo look so excited, something told me any longer of a wait he would jump out with the parachute.

He had sat down for our landing but his fingers taped and taped away at the arm rest.

I on the other hand was trying to get started on my latest essay, like promised my professor recorded every class, so I like always, chose to try and stay ahead with my work, you never know when being ahead could come to your rescue but something in my head just kept bugging me.

The jet stopped after a few bumps but when we were cleared to get out of our seats Riccardo shot out of the jet without a second thought, he was in the car already, waiting for me but I could see all the emotions running through his eyes.

I get into the car and for the first time my seatbelt wasn't important, I watch in amusement as he bounced around in his seat like a kid in a candy store.

Speeding to the hospital after running many red lights.

He didn't even wait for a second after pulling the car in park, car on, keys still in the ignition kind of thing.

I smile at his eagerness and pull the key out locking the car, I caught the room Mia was in but completely missed the elevator up, I was moving sloth slow though. I was kind of having a mental argument with myself, he was going to be a dad, he was a dad and I didn't know if he would even have time, for us.

Plus it felt right to give him time alone without me standing there.

I try to keep my mind away from those previous negative thoughts as I walk the halls, I had a bad feeling right now but I didn't know why.

I pause at the door, smiling at nurses who walk pass.

"She's beautiful" I heard Riccardo speak "My princess, thank you, Mia, I thought I would feel different, bad different but this feeling feels amazing, thank you for bringing our baby girl into this world"

Our babygirl

I know it was probably selfish of me to think this way but, did he even notice I wasn't in the room. Did he even care that I wasn't? I know, it was pathetic of me to think that way during this moment but seriously.

I peek in and I guess things just hit me, she was his baby mama, the mother to his daughter that he already loved so much. I was just, nothing at the moment, it was just them and their little family, they both looked down at her with so much love.

He sat in the bed next to her and just when I felt like I couldn't feel more like shit for being self centered, I did. His eyes sparkled with love, even as he glanced up to Mia, thanking her once more and looking back at the truly adorable little girl. It was like a slap to the face, he forgot about me, again, I know it sounded so selfish because he just got a child but, not once has he ever walked into a room not holding my hand and maybe that was what was phasing me but I couldn't explain how I felt.

I bit my lip backing away from the door, maybe I should have gone in but that just felt like I would be imposing on their moment.

I guess everything got more real at that moment, my eyes unable to hold back any tears. I cried, and I kept feeling selfish for crying which only leads to me crying more.

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