Chapter 46

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We stood outside the rehabilitation center together, Adrian was leaned up against her car were Arabella slept in her car seat. The cutie was looking more and more like Riccardo everyday, her black hair was starting to curl in the cutest little way and her skin tone was mellowing out into something closer to his color, the nose and lips couldn't be more exact.

I was still with my leg cast and sadly I wouldn't be there for Kainalu's ash scattering. It was like a tradition, every time someone in my family passed, instead of keeping them in the dirt to rot the flesh off their bones, we cremated them and let them free into the ocean.

I had way too much school to catch up on and I couldn't even help paddle out the canoe's because of the cast. I was always the back steerer. I cried so long last night because I couldn't be there but if I took up Riccardo's offer of flying me in then I could lose my scholarship again and me and him worked too hard for it to lose again, kai would push me right off that canoe if I ditched finals week and didn't catch up on work.

Riccardo refuses to let me work right now so that was a whole argument that ended with me shutting my mouth and accepting it, Kenzie and Jonah laughed in my face when I told them I fell out a tree, I didn't tell them anything else.

I just told them Riccardo took me to a ranch in the country side and I decided to climb a tree, and fell drastically.

Hoodies, they always hide things.

As for the bruised face they believed me when I said I walked face first into a pole. I was a very clumsy person, that's what made it so believable.

Mia came walking out with her luggage, she looked at Riccardo and then to the car parked across the street.

"Hey Rickie" Mia said standing in front of us

"Mia" he nodded towards her "Marcus got the nerve to come here the same time as me"

"He won't cause a problem" she rushed out nervously "He wanted to apologize to Sidney but I'm not sure that's a great idea"

"It isn't, are you leaving with him" Riccardo spoke getting straight to the point

"I'm not sure yet"

"Well you better hurry up and decide because I don't have all day, I have places to be and I would like to get Arabella home before she gets up for her feeding time"

I look between them and stay quiet, it wasn't my place to speak on there problems but at the same time I feel like I should be outside and present to show that I cared.

"Can I see her?" Mia asked after taking a glance towards Marcus's car

Riccardo held his hand out and stopped her from proceeding to the car.


I felt bad, that was her daughter too but then again it wasn't my place and in his defense, the way that I saw it, he was just protecting his daughter from her mother that was actually considering walking out on her. She lost that right to see Arabella when she first planned on leaving her.

"Please Riccardo, I just want to see my baby, please" she begged him

"No" he repeated sternly "The moment you get into Marcus's car is the last time I ever expect to see you, don't come back after that"

"You can't just take my daughter from me" Mia snapped, I scratched my nose feeling uncomfortable and went to walk away but the nosies of the crutches made me easier to point out "Sidney!"

I turn around to look at her as she pulls me into there disagreement.

"Tell him to let me see her"

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