Chapter 23

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I gulp as his fist clenched against the belt, the leather material matching the dangerous look on his face. The thought of it hitting my ass turned me on, in another's hands I knew just the idea would hurt but in his hands all I saw was a third of a lesson, a third of pain, and a third of pleasure.

Slowly I unbuckle my own belt dropping it on the floor, pushing the shorts down and shimmying my thighs out of it. I pull my shirt off but he stopped stopped me when I went to pull my panties and bra off.

"Belt, pass boundaries?" He asked but his voice didn't soften

I look at it between his hands, the veins in his arms more visible as he held it tightly.

"No" I answer and he took a step closer to me

He nodded before he quickly stood up, this felt like some bdsm and we never talked about that, well actually maybe a little at dinner a while back but this sounded so hot. His belt hitting my ass to teach me a lesson.

god I'm a kinky horny bitch I thought.

He ripped the bra down the middle and before I could say something he wrapped my hair in his hand before pushing me on the bed, pushing my head into the mattress stomach down. His other hand releasing a hard slap against my ass.

Half moan and half scream into the sheets.

His hands leave my hair before I glance back and saw him turn my belt into handcuffs, the belt, I don't know if I should be scared or turned on that he knew how to do that but I was both. I could feel my juices dripping just watching him put them on my wrist and then glancing back at my eyes.

He grabbed his tie and stared at me with an evil smirk. Moving up to me and putting it around my head, tightening it and putting it in my mouth like a gag.

He pulled the end snapping my head up.

"Next time keep a distance like you said you would Sidney"

I scream at the first hit that came unexpectedly, the muffled sounds of my voice coming out and a smile making a way onto my face as another hit me, as the fifth came around I was moaning and pushing my ass back for him, something about this was pleasurable in my sick mind.

I try to turn around desperate to feel his cock along my walls, sliding in and out of me in a fast hard pace.

"Stay still" he gritted as he sent another hit to my ass

The thick and wide material leaving a hard stinging sensation behind but as the pleasure subdued the pain rises and I was wanting more to bring the pleasure back.

I see the belt pass my eyes and feel it slip around my neck.

"Boundaries?" He asked and I shook my head I'm able to get sound pass the fabric in my mouth properly

I felt him pull back on it slightly and I quickly moved back until the tightening stopped.

I felt his cock against my ass and clothed pussy, rubbing up against him with my hands trying to reach my panties and push them down.

I lost contact with him but that's when I felt the hard sting on my ass, my skin felt raw and any touch to it was starting to give me intense pain but I wanted his touch.

I craved him.

"You don't move unless I tell you to move, you don't make a sound unless I tell you you can, and you don't cum until I give you the permission"

I nodded and felt the lace tear off of my body.

He walked forwards pinning my legs between him and the bed, and pulled back on the belt choking me.

How did women enjoy this? I have no idea, was I enjoying this? Hell yes I was.

I bit back a moan as he pushed into me, his cock stretching me. I jerk forwards and the belt pulled me back, the thrusts he sent were aggressive and rough yet it still managed to feel absolutely amazing.

I let out a soft whimper when he slapped my ass fucking into me with no hesitation.

He kept moving his hips to meet mine, never slowing his pace but loosening his grip on the belt when he heard my muffled cough. His hands reaching forwards and pulling the belt off from around my neck, removing the tie and throwing it to the side.

"Can you breath okay" I nod and his pace sped back up

A moan slip pass my lips and he pulled out flipping me over.

I gasp and wrap my hand around his wrist as he plunged his fingers into my entrance, my back arching off the bed I turn my head and try to shut myself up by shoving my face into my sheets.

I knew he could feel me clenching and unclenching around his thick digits when he started pounding his fingers into me, the fact that his fingers could feel as good as his dick amazed me.

"Hold it" he said as my legs began to tremble

I started to shake my head shuddering.

"I can't"

"You better" he said slapping my thigh

With a few more thrusts of his finger he pulled away laying on the bed next to me flat down and pulling me to straddle him, slapping my ass.

I start to bounce on his length, the sound of my skin slapping into his.

He doesn't say a word as he helps lifts my by my thighs faster, thrusting up every now and then. My arms still bound together with the belt through it all, I try hard to stay upright but soon his thrusting were none stop and pushing me forwards, no hands available to keep my balanced.

The one word I was waiting for came out of his mouth and I let go, silently ridding my climax out with my face in his neck.

"Yo bitch guess what" My door whipped open.

He quickly pulled the blanket over our bodies, his cock still nuzzled up in my genital area as he pulled me against his chest shielding my body.

"Woah" Kenzie jumped back into Jonah who stared like I was a crazy person

"What are you still standing there for? Get out" I slightly shout

"Damn you look like you got dick down good" she dragged out the last word and closed the door

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