Chapter 47

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"Kenzie" I call out as I walk into the apartment

Slowly making my way to her door I knock but she doesn't answer, pushing it open I smile at her as she lays in her bed with crossed arms. She pays no attention to me and looks back to the tv.

"What's new on The Orignals" I ask nervously, not even the bag of hot Cheetos made her mood brighten up

"I finished it" she mumbled

She may have been one of the people who agreed to place me on bed rest but I wasn't really home much even if they all wanted me to stay still and relax.

I knew she probably felt left out and forgotten even if she wasn't, she always at mine even if she didn't know it.

"Really? Okay" I say placing the chip bag down

"Weren't you going to Riccardo's place today, you seemed pretty happy to have your movie night with him" she rolled her eyes

"Well now I can have it with you" I say walking to the edge of her bed

"Why? He too busy tonight" he scoffed and turned up the tv volume

Reaching over I net hand the control from her and turn off the tv, her eyes moving to me and glaring.

"What do you want"

"I want to have a conversation with my best friend, I also want to sit down and watch a movie and laugh with her"

She looked away when tears started to collect in her eyes.

"Kenzie, tell me what's wrong-"

"What do you care, your off with Riccardo every chance you get" she sniffled and pulled her blanket over her head "Just leave me alone, it's not like this is really where you want to be, I know your just here because you felt bad about not being here"

That was true, I felt bad but that didn't mean that was the only reason I was here, this is the place that I live and my best friends also happen to live here too.

"I know Im not here a lot and I'm sorry Kenzie, I also love you though and I don't ever mind spending time with you" I say pulling the blanket off of her face

She sat up hunched forwards as she whipped her tears away "You and Jonah just forgot about me, he's not even here right now, he's doing his movie night at the actual fucking movies and you were going to leave me alone on movie night too"

I sigh as the guilt crept up but scooted closer to her on the bed.

"I'm sorry Kenz, I'm sorry that I wasn't here much and I'm sorry that Jonah is yet to realize the same yet, I guess I'm in that stage but I promise I'll be home more, I also promise that movie night is always yours"

She chuckled and leaned her head against my shoulder.

"I'm still mad at you" she stated and I nodded my head

"That's fine, as long as we can have our movie night still, that is if you want to watch with me"

"Yeah please" she pouted

(Spoiler alert, go to the next apple 🍎)

"Okay, so how do you feel after the end of The Originals"

She stood up abruptly and threw her book at the wall with a mad face, her nose flaring as she breathed heavily.

"I HATED IT, why! Just why! They killed Klaus and Elijah!" She started to jump around and fight the air "I hate the writer, and the director, and that stupid series!"

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