Chapter 29

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I wake up to the loud ringing of my phone, growling at the interruption to my sleep I drag myself up and answer.

"Good morning" Riccardo spoke

"No, it is not" I grumble, I was getting used to sleeping in with all the long night studying I did.

I didn't completely forgive him but I was giving him a second chance, it's been a week and we were both busy so we were just talking on the phone. Kenzie and Jonah didn't agree with that but I don't want to be sad and he can fix a lie, I know I'm just comprising with myself but if he screws up this time then that's it, no lore chances and no more going back.

"Eight o'clock, raise an shine beautiful" I chuckle rolling over as he continued to talk "So do you have anything to do today?"

"No, why do you ask" I roll my eyes at myself placing the phone between my shoulder and my ear, walking into the bathroom and washing the drool off the side of my face.

"I was just interested to know, how would a fancy dinner sound tonight?"

"Sounds perfect, whatcha doing?"

He didn't answer as I wipe my hands on a towel so I grab the phone and press the screen to see if he had hung up.

"Riccardo?" I pulled the phone back to my ear and called his name

"Um, nothing" he nervously answered and my shoulders dropped with my mood

"That's a lie" I state, sucking on my teeth as I felt like crying again, liar's pissed me off.

"I don't know where we stand on this topic and I didn't want to bring it up... I'm at the doctor's right now, for Mia's checkup"

"You can tell me if you're at the doctor's, it's not like I'm going to be mad at you for checking on a baby" more Jealous than mad, I was more pissed at myself for starting to like him too fast.

I was told having children would be close to impossible and dangerous for mine or the baby's health and a big family was always part of the dream I had for my future. Of course, that gave me no right to be jealous of my boyfriend baby mama.

"Is this your first time going with her?" I ask, I was low-key teasing him, I don't know if he was just nervous to tell me or if he was just nervous to see how his kid is coming along.

"Yeah, It feels weird being in a hospital after so many years, I never expected to ever be here for Mia's ultrasound" I softly laugh at his words, trying kit to let the green monster sneak up on me.

"Oh how the world works, I have a shift at Nora's later so I won't be free till 8:15"

"That's fine, I'll pick you up and drop you off at home, there are a few more things I wanted to talk to you about " he continued to speak and I nod, not realizing that he wasn't in front of me.

"Sorry, yeah, I have to start getting ready but I will see you later"

"Bye beautiful"

"Bye Riccardo"

• • • • •

"Reservation for Reyes" Riccardo spoke glaring at the women up front as she glared at me, my hand entwined with his paying little attention to my surroundings as I check the photos my mom sent me of my little sister and dad at the beach

Took him awhile but he finally started spending time with my mom and sister when he realized I was moving out, I guess he was trying to make the best of what years he had with Kailee just in case she followed in my footsteps, I was the first of five girls to leave not only the town I grew up in but the island itself.

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