Chapter 6

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I quickly get back into the apartment, I had no time for a workout today but I got in a quick run which counted.

Pushing Kenzie out of the way when she was walking towards the bathroom with her towel, should have moved faster.

She started pounding on the door "SIDNEY I CALLED THE BATHROOM, GET THE FUCK OUT"

"Sorry but I have somewhere to be today in exactly 40 minutes so tough shit, should've walked faster" her loud dramatic groan was the last thing I heard before she kicked the door and stomped away, slamming her room door close.

The warm water rolled down my body loosening all my muscles and unlike the other two, I was a quick eight to ten minutes, getting out I towel dry my hair as I walk across the way to my room.

"What are you doing?" I ask Kenzie as I walk in and look at the piles of clothes she pulled off the hangers "I am NOT wearing that" I gestured to the clothes hanging over her hand.

"Yes you are" she grinned holding up the black strapless bodysuit and white high waist skinny jeans.

"You have got to be kidding me" I state walking to my drawer and pulling out underwear and a bra "I'm not wearing that, it does not even work-appropriate, who the hell would wear that to a coffee shop and it's so unnecessary to wear that while working, the point is to make money not dress nice"

I turn around to watch her drop the outfit on the bed and pull out the thigh-high heels with a smirk.

"I'm not wearing those" I state once again "those are going to hurt my feet, no way in hell"

• • • • •

"Stupid shopaholic and her stupid clothes and that stupid ass licker" I grumble to myself, I feel like, in a way, I in heels are the same as Kenzie running or Jonah and relationships slash opening-up.

They just don't work.

Today was going to be a long day and surprisingly the small girl wrestled me into that whole thing she put together. Not figuratively, when she says she'll put it on me herself, she means it, she had me believing she would pick something else out while I put on my undergarment before she had Jonah hold my arms and she pulled that bodysuit up my body then proceeded to pull the pants up my feet.

She even layed me face down on the bed and had Jonah sit on me and help her put one of the boots on, took my keys, locked me out, and told me to have fun at work.

I hate my friends, I hope they fall off the balcony and crack their necks.

I start my walk towards Nora's, it was a few blocks but I think I'd be okay, it was only seven in the morning yet the sidewalks were crowded, this was so much different from back home.

I move with the crowd and tried to remember where I was, with success I don't get lose and walk in just in time.

Walking up to the counter to the male who had first given me the application, yesterday I got a call saying I got the job and asking if I could work today.

I quickly said yes because I needed more money for myself, the rest was to pay for any extra stuff like books or so I could pay my part of the rent, I had enough money saved up but you could never have enough.

"Please tell me I get one of that shirts to go over this" I groan and he smiled at me, his eyes quickly dragging down my body before he motioned for me to follow him to the back.

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