Chapter 48

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I got a text from Adrian saying they found Riccardo all the way in the other side of town and they were heading back to his place just as I got there.

I got out the cab but turn around and shook my head at Kenzie and Jonah.

"You guys don't need to stay, it's fine, I don't think Riccardo wants people around him right now"

"Are you sure-"

"Bitch hell no, imma be here because one day that little girl is going to be your step daughter and Riccardo is going to be your husband and he's going to have to learn to tolerate me so I don't care" Kenzie cuts off Jonah

Everything slips my mind and I shy away a little "Who said we would get married?"

"Girl please, we both know this is the end of you ever being single again, boy ain't letting you go nowhere" she scoffed

I yell at myself a little to get my head back to the big problem

"Fine but this might take a while so why don't you guys go get something for us to eat and then come back, I think we'll be waiting for awhile"

I turn around and start to the elevator, going up.

I go in and walk down and across the apartment/penthouse/condo place to the baby's room all the way in the back, this place was the same as the last when it came to an amazing view.

Sitting on the rocking chair and I have small flashbacks from last week, Riccardo sitting here and feeding the baby, I would sit on the chairs arm and watch.

I loved her, hell I still wasn't sure if I could have kids so of course if I ever did actually get married to Riccardo then Arabella would be the only thing I had close enough to a child. I would care for her, of course, I already do.

My hands run along her baby blanket and I pulled it up to my face, placing it under my nose and breathing in her little smell, that adorable baby smell.

Looking around the room. A part of me suspected Mia, that was the most Logical answer I had, she was a mother who just wanted her kid back, it was still messed up though. Yes I'm defending Riccardo because she did give up her legal rights and he had full custody, all of that was on paper, she couldn't even stay sober off of drugs for her baby and I was wrong when I thought she wasn't a druggie.

She is and a one month baby is with a woman who could be losing her mind right now. Mia could really put Arabella in harms way, that's what drugs do to you, it destroys you and the people you love.

A loud beeping sound brought me out of my angry thoughts, standing up from the chair I walk out into the hallway and into the kitchen.

The more I went out did my nose pick up the burning smell and it finally dawned on me that it was a smoke alarm going off.

Putting my arm up to my nose and covering it with my jacket sleeve.

My coughs come out violently as my body starts to react to room that quickly started to get come up in flames, the hallways walls turning hot red and quickly coming up, my eyes looking over to the walls that looked to be drenched, liquids dripping down and the flames following after it as it puddles on the floor.

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