Chapter 5

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"Kenzie what the fuck is this" I ask holding up the heels

You would think she knew me better.

"It's pretty and it goes with the outfit so jump your ass in those jeans faster so we can go eat" I glare at her as she sat on the black L-shaped couch, rubbing her feet on the pale pink carpet.

"Shut up" I said before walking back into my room.

Grabbing the jeans off the bed and sliding them up to my knees before I start my whole routine, I loved jeans but they were always hard to pull up.

Yanking and pulling at the top I wiggle and start doing all kind of stuff, almost falling a few times, laying on my bed with just my back touching while trying to pull it up the rest of the way. Kenzie pushed the door open and stared at me weirdly as I jump up and down, lifting my feet up and doing some cheer leader kicks or something to get the inner thigh part to pull up more and then buttoning it.

"Four minutes" Kenzie nodded "New record"

I snort and throw a pillow at her "Shut up, don't tease me"

"I wasn't teasing, I was congratulating" she smirked and raised an eyebrow, bending over to put the black strap heels on, now that she was in my room I wouldn't have a chance at getting away with shoes.

"Are we leaving or not because I'm hungry and for someone who's always complaining about how long we take you sure are taking forever" Jonah groaned walking up to my door and smirking "Nice ass"

"You guys have problems, stop staring at my ass before I start think your both into me" I roll my eyes walking pass them.

They snickered behind me and as I reach the kitchen island I grip it, both ass cheeks stinging and the horrible sounds of the two friends laughing behind me, leaning on each other as I turn around and glare at them. Over the years their slapping has got a lot harder and damn I'm starting to think I need an ass reduction because this shit ain't cutting it no more.

"Your violating me again" I huff irritatedly, grabbing my house keys and wallet before walking out "that's objectification"

My hair straightened and hanging down the entire length of my back and over my butt, that thing was a curse I tell you, I don't know why Kim k wanted it but I didn't.

I could feel my jeans riding up and I couldn't even dig that shit out now that I was in public, my butt jiggling with every step I take and I know this is TMI but I know these thongs aren't supposed to go that far up my ass.

I groan as I stand on the sidewalk waiting for Jonah and Kenzie, I couldn't hail a cap to save my life, they always just drove by and I refuse to walk in heels.

Kenzie came out, standing on the side of the road sticking her hand out and whistling.

I hate this city

"So there's this party I was invited too tonight-"

"I'm out" I quickly respond and Jonah shook his head

"Why" she whined

"Because I don't like parties and you know that, plus you know I don't drink so there really is no fun in being the only one sober" I shrug pulling my jacket off.

"So you could get high, it's not like people don't smoke joints at parties"

"You know I don't smoke, I eat it but I don't smoke it and you seem to forget that all the time"

"Right, asthma, Well I'll buy you some fucking weed candy or cookies but please just come, theirs this guy I want you to meet at the party, you guys have somethings in common" I groan as Kenzie continues to try to persuade me to join their fun but I knew they'd both lose me five minutes in.

"No, you have fun though"

She punched me in the shoulder before turning and pouting while staring out the window, Jonah looking at her like she was dumb and mimicking her.

The car stayed quiet as we drove, they were obsessed with Nora's cafe and so that's were we were headed. The cab stopped and we quickly got out, my eyes had caught a glimpse of the same black SUV from the other day and from the gym when I was leaving, I saw it and slightly blushed.

That guy made me nervous yet excited at the same time.

Get a grip of yourself Sidney I scold myself, clearing my throat and straightening up.

I hold the door open for some people exiting and allowing Jonah and Kenzie to walk in before me, trying to hide behind them but failing miserably when I saw him sitting in the corner already staring at me.

I quickly look away walking around Jonah to hide behind his figure.

"I heard they put a fruit bowl on the menu" Kenzie spoke and the menu suddenly caught my attention

A fruit bowl sounded amazing right now, maybe with an orange juice or maybe I should stick with there green tea, it was amazing. We were next in line, Kenzie squealing and passing me one of the help wanted papers on the little stand and I almost shook my head, that Riccardo guy looks like he came here a lot and I don't know if I like the idea of running into him all the time.

You like it, my subconscious spoke to me

He is a fine peace of eye candy I nod silently to myself

"Sidney" I was snapped back into reality when Jonah shook my shoulders, quickly I made eye contact with the cashier

"Um yeah, right, can I get the fruit bow and a green tea" he nodded and smiled at me, Kenzie quietly squealing and nudging my shoulders "Stop it" I mutter to her

"Hi, so are you guys still looking for workers" Jonah asked and the guy nodded "Well that's good, our friend here was just talking about how she was looking for a job"

I was about to protest against it but I didn't want to offend the male, he looked like a sweet guy so I just smiled and took the application.

Me and Jonah going to take a seat while Kenzie flirted with the other worker taking pastries out.

I sat next to Jonah and punched his arm "Why would you do that?" I hiss

"Cause you need dick or at least a relationship because if you spend another Saturday on your phone or reading a book I'll drag you out myself, your cooch is going to start collecting cobwebs" he said and I gasped and stared at him, the disrespect.

"I don't need dick or a relationship thank you very much" I said but grabbed the pen he was holding towards me, starting to fill in the application because they were right about one thing, I need a job or else I won't know what to do with myself

"Whatever you say princess" he said draping his arm around my shoulder with a smug look

Kenzie soon came up with our stuff, walking back to go get the drinks before sitting down.

"Hey big Adonis hottie three o'clock staring at you" Kenzie hummed suggestively before sipping on her Frappuccino 

I take a glance that way, Riccardo wasn't staring at me, he was staring at the hand that was probably looking like it was way to close to my boobs, I've never seen a problem with Jonah having his hand around my shoulder but right now I was starting to think it was actually a big deal.

To think, I'm not even with this guy and I'm thinking about how Jonah's arm shouldn't be around my shoulders I scoff to myself

You told him you weren't interested so stop thinking about him Sidney

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