Chapter 28

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I missed him, I missed the way he held me in his arms and kissed my head every few minutes, the way his presence made me feel safe but I can't just run back to him. At least not without giving him a chase and getting my explanation and evidence.

I couldn't get rid of the fact that he lied about going alone on a trip and Allison was beautiful and had a better body than me.

Who says he even wants me anymore? Probably thinks I'm dramatic with the way he made.

I stare at my phone before I call my mom, taking a deep breath before the ringing stopped.

"Hi mama" my mother spoke, it was weird to some people but my mom called me mama, it's just the way it's always been.

"Hi, mommy" I respond "how's everything at home?"

"Baby don't worry about everything back here, if you even think about dropping out and coming back home I'm going to beat your ass" I chuckle

"No that's not it, I just missed your voice" I sigh "Kailee there?"


"Tell her I said hi"

"KAI, SIDNEY SAID HI" she yelled out

"HI SIDNEY" I smile hearing my sister's voice, her feet stomping as she most likely was running through the house.

"I wanna talk to my tetah (sister: T-Tah)" I wait a few seconds before Kailee's voice spoke again "Hi tete, I miss you"

I gulp hearing her voice, I missed the little sucker.

"Hi baby, how are you?" I nod my head to myself trying not to cry, especially not with her, I couldn't let her hear her role model cry.

"I miss you so so so so so so much, my big teeth are coming in and I made new friends in kindergarten"

"That's great baby, how do you like school?"

"It's sad when daddy leaves but then my new friends make me laugh and we play, ooh tete the teacher said I was better than everyone else at singing my ABC's, she said I was even better then you when she was your teacher, do you want to hear it"

I chuckle at the excitement that filled the little child's voice.

"Show me what you got baby" I grin listening and she started laughing, singing her song fast and rambling to me, she started a challenge with herself to see if she could go faster up until she really couldn't and the letters would fumble around.

"Okay stop hogging your sister, I'm pretty sure she's got something to do" my mom said before a whine came from Kailee

"I want to talk to my tete!" she raised her voice and stomped, my eyes widen as I pull the phone away from my ear and look at it, eyes going wide.

Little girl be getting bold like that

"Moms right Kai, I got to study so I'll talk to you later, I'll call you tomorrow mom, it was good hearing you and Kailee's voice"

"Awww baby, we love you, talk to you later"


"Bye-bye tete" Kailee shouted before the phone hung up

I sigh when I began to hear a knocking sound from the front door, throwing my phone on the bed and walking to the front with my wallet. I've been waiting for my vegan Ice cream to be delivered for hours, the other two seemed to be on dates every night, now I know how it feel being at home lonely and single.

Opening the door I hold out the twenty before looking up. Pulling my twenty back and ready to shut the door before Riccardo jammed his foot in front of it.

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