Chapter 25

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"Morning Sid, how are you?" Kenzie smiled trying to be subtle with her question.

Yeah... my moronic self cried all night, between missing home, the frustration of school work and Riccardo, I was so done with everything. I was always a cry baby when it came to too much frustration.

"I'm fine" I smile

That wasn't fully true but it will be soon, I wasn't going to let myself stay down for too long.

"I'm just going to stick to getting my assignments in and the whole tutoring gig plus the shift at Nora's later"

She nodded and smiled back, lying wasn't my thing, I was usually straight forward but I guess honesty was just a thing I was lacking right now.

I dig my phone out from my back pocket staring at Riccardo's name as it rang.

I didn't want drama and right now I didn't need his bullshit.

I don't trust him, I don't know if he's cheating or if Allison was sending nudes because he asks for them or anything, I'm completely clueless about his life, I barely knew anything about him.

Declining the call I silence my phone and put it into my pocket, putting in a smile for Kenzie.

"Where's jay?" I ask her grabbing a blueberry breakfast bar.

"He left early" she answered "Are you sure your okay Sid? I have time to talk if you want to now"

"Ken asking won't magically make me feel better but I'll be good, I'll get over it, I don't want to talk about it"

She nodded again and smiled as I walked out the front door, heading out of the front doors of my apartment, I saw Riccardo's car across the street a few cars down.

Holding my hand out and hailing a cab before he closed the door and started heading towards me.

"Sidney" he called out

"NYU" I told the cab driver, watching as he rushed back over to his car, we lost him in traffic but I just didn't want to talk to him right now.

Pulling out my phone he continued to call, the first five times I just stare at it, looking over the picture that popped up, his arms wrapped around me as I sat between his legs on the roof couch, the little garden, and pool in the background. I snapped out of my daze and declined, placing the phone on Do Not Disturb so I could block him.

I got out half way there and walked the rest, walking to my classes I avoided speaking to others until of course I couldn't.

"Hey Cece, so what you teaching us today" Blake smiled and walked with me

"I don't know what do you need help with today"

"Well my algebra is still ass and pride and prejudice is still a boring and a stupid novel so there are a few things I need help with" he bumped into me and smiled.

He reminded me of my cousin, playful and unbothered. He didn't let others put him down or change his mood if he was starting with a good day and I wasn't going to be mean to him because of someone else.

"It's not stupid, it's a novel based off of love" I laugh and he bit his bottom lip looking at me "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You're adorable and very sweet, love is stupid but if you think it's not then manz' is lucky"

My smile turned into a small frown which he noticed. Love isn't stupid, it's complicated and without complications, you can't really get to know each other. Kind of hypocritical to say while ignoring your relationship but that is a complication I don't know if I can work around.

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