Chapter 41

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Kainalu came to mind, so did Mariah, a four year old who no longer had either of her parents. I was the little girl's godmother but I think right now, her living in a new state in an apartment building wasn't best.

I think it was good for both me and her if Aunty Rae kept her, I knew my aunt better than that, she would try and honor her son by taking care of Mariah, making sure Mariah got everything he wanted for her. Plus it would be good for Aunty Rae to have Mariah to help her cope with his death and it's good for Mariah to grow up around the family.

I got up from the bed eager to look for my phone, digging through the duffle bag I find nothing.

"Can I use your phone?" I ask Riccardo.

He nodded and passed me his phone.

I dial my mom but it goes straight to voicemail, Kenzie knocking softly and entering with a big smile.

"When can I get discharged?" I ask her

"As soon as they come check your vitals and if they're all good then we're free to go"

I sigh leaning back into the bed, my eyes droopy while I wait, Kenzie sat down telling me about how Oliver was basically living at our apartment and Jonah was at work. Riccardo sat in the hospital room with me, listening in on our conversation.

I try to keep my thought away from the future topic, we'll see as we go but I think I have to tell him about the fact that I may not be able to have kids, or that I didn't want to try if it was possible.

Or maybe that was a conversation for the future, right now it was about getting the hell out of this depressing building.

After a long lecture about not getting off the bed and multiple tests I was able to leave. I guess they had to pump me with the blood but I don't think I'll be too pumped to see a medical bill. I hated being an adult.

"I'll take her home Kenzie, I need to talk to her" Riccardo said, I smile and nod to Kenzie, watching as she walked away.

I felt like I was in trouble but he didn't look mad, silently we walked down the halls of the hospital, taking a short and awkward elevator ride.

"Mr.Reyes" A nurse bit her lip as we walked by, twirling her hair and popping out her chest

I scoff and begin to walk faster, I was back in an annoyed and bitchy mood, everything was just irritating me and wanted to punch something or someone for that matter.

"Sidney" Riccardo called my name

I could hear him pick up his pace as I walk faster, his hand grabbing my arms and stopping me from continuing on.

"Sidney" he turned me around, holding my face so I couldn't turn away from him "That is my daughters nurse, she flirts and I don't, end of story. The real problem at hand, I know your doubting our relationship and I'm not going to push you to stay because I love you, Sidney, if you want to leave then I'm not going to stop you but just think about everything before you do"

It was official, this was the most attached I have ever gotten in a relationship, breaking up with Johnny didn't even hurt to think about.

The pain of just losing my cousin sucked but I can't be sad about that, he would hate that, he would probably punch me in the arm and tell me everybody dies at some point so just be ready, think about the happy memories.

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