Chapter 14

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"Kenzie just why?" I ask as she stood in front of me pushing my boobs up in the push-up bra, she chose the shortest shirt I had in there and pulled it down so you could see the lacy edge.

"Guys will be drooling and girl look at that ass" she squealed reaching and pinching my left cheek.

"Something is wrong with you, my tits are on display, I can't go to class like this" I grumble pulling the pants up.

"Why? If I told you to wear it any other day you would roll your eyes at me but comply" she paused with a raised eyebrow "Unless there's a reason why you don't want to wear that shirt"

She stepped forwards towards me, pointing at me and pressing her index finger on my shoulder.

She was definitely on to me I thought.

"No reason, I just don't think I should" I shrug

That was true, I didn't think I should wear this shirt, mostly because Riccardo wouldn't like that people could see my bra like he's voiced multiple times at the gym but still it was my voice saying this.

He didn't care about the outfits I wore, as long as it was covering the main places or the undergarments underneath. The only reason I knew that was because sometimes our conversations got a little... a lot.

"You're wearing it" she said finalizing the conversation while pulling the shirt down slightly back to its original spot.

I knew she was only doing it to try and get the truth out of me but I refuse to back down. I'm not even Riccardo's girlfriend so what happens between us will stay between us until I feel like sharing it with the world.

She walked out glaring at me, grunting and huffing annoyed with both me and the world in general.

I grab the coach backpack, I had shoved in the basics I expected I would need today. Computer, a notebook, pen, and threw in my wallet, phone and charger a while ago.

I hold it in my hand by the strap placing the converse on and walking to the front door.

"She's hiding something" I heard Kenzie whisper "And I will find out what it is, how dare she hide something from us"

"You know she won't tell even if we gang up on her" Jonah whispered back, this is what I mean by they suck at keeping their mouths shut, it ain't hard to hear their loud mouths and I may suck at lying but at least I could keep a secret.

"We could follow her" I scoff with my mouth open, offended, so she wants to spy.

I back away from the door and grab myself a water bottle, placing a smile on my face and walking to the door after grabbing my keys.

"Hey you guys ready" they looked at me freezing in their place "You guys good?"

"Yeah" Jonah smiled "Let's go"

I nod walking ahead, whispering and probably thinking I couldn't hear them, they were stupid like that.

We sat quietly in the cab and split into different ways as we got to campus, I had five minutes to get there and I refuse to be late.

I break out into a sprint towards the class, pushing pass people and apologizing as I run, making it just on time and getting into the class, hurrying towards one of the seats in front.

As the professor walks in a few other people follow behind, a few other people, like the boys I remember from the movies. I look towards the professor trying to ignore their stares as they choose to sit right behind me.

God they probably knew I did the dirty after we exited the theater.

I hate life sometimes.

I pay attention as the teacher begins to talk, going over a list of books we would be reading throughout the year, some rules, etc.

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