Chapter 34

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"Sidney put the damn seatbelt back on" Riccardo growled through clench teeth

I look towards him and pull my chair closer to the dashboard, fixing the visor so I could see in the mirror. I noticed the growing hairs on my eyebrow and I don't fuck with that, I have a serious problem when they grow out.

So there I was right against the dashboard plucking my eyebrows and Riccardo was enduring multiple honks seeing as he was barely paying any attention to the road and more of me not having my seatbelt on.

"Just drive, I'll be fine," I said and I'm pretty sure I pissed him off "Don't brake-check me"

I pause my plucking to answer my phone, placing it on speaker before I dropped it back into the cupholder.


"You fucking kid, you don't even call ya mom anymore, what you think cause you not here you no need talk to me now" I mentally groan at the mad irritated tone my mom had (There is no mistakes, her mother talks like that)

"Sorry mommy" I spoke trying to butter her up.

"You fucking kid" she repeated, she called me that a lot but she called all kids that when they did something she didn't like or didn't expect "We was going through the old party stuff for the barbecue we going have next month, my first birthday without my baby here, I not going to see my little girl blow out her candles with me"

"Awww mommy I miss you too" I laugh

"Shut up no tease me kay'" she snapped defensively as I silently laugh "You better call me when you stay singing happy birthday and everything"

"I will mom"

"You better or I going come down there and beat the shit out of you kid" I smile at her threats, after so many years I've come to laugh at pain and when she spanked me as a kid I would laugh too, I was super ticklish then.

She would get so mad when I started laughing, she would push me and start throwing stuff at me while I ran away.

I glance towards Riccardo who was glancing towards me with a raised eyebrow.

"How is everything going down there? You having fun?"

"Everything is good ma, I got a job, the apartment is good, the view I get is nice at night looking down the street"

I was still waiting for the day I get mugged though.

"That's good but baby I gotta go, fucking kids is testing me, I just wanted to hear your voice" a line of creative cuss words came next "Aye, Johnny asked me to tell you to call him, he said he wanted to talk to you"

I freeze sucking my lips into my mouth as my mother ends the call after her last words. I try to ignore Riccardo's eyes as I could feel his gaze on me before he pulled into the spot where he always dropped me off for classes.

"Who's Johnny" he spoke with a demanding voice

Sucking my teeth worriedly for myself as I answer "My ex-boyfriend"

"Okay, Does your mom know about me?"

"No, not yet, I'm just not sure how to tell her, she's going to want to meet you and talk to you, in person might I add and I don't want to introduce you guys and you aren't comfortable with all of it and of course she would expect me to bring you home, like said 'in person'"

He chuckled deeply before his hand was on my jaw pulling my lip to his.

"Whenever, I would love to meet your parents" he said seriously "And are you going to call Johnny back" I shook my head no and he nodded with a smile

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