Chapter 21

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It has been one long and amazing one or two months with him.

He was sweet but serious at the same time, he was soft and cuddly for the most but I knew by his facial expressions when he was pissed. He always took phone calls in his office and he always came back mad.

Those were the times I would put a movie on, lay with him in his bed, and cuddle up next to him.

It took a while for Riccardo to go back to being relaxed most of the time but the silence was comforting, his presence was good enough for me when he was silent.

He made it a habit of picking me up in the morning, dropping me off, picking me up after classes, taking me home with him, and then buying me dinner before he dropped me back off to my apartment. Sometimes we did something, sometimes I would talk and he would just listen, and other times we both would do absolutely nothing together.

And right now was one of those silent movie time moments, laying in bed and watching Maze Runner.

I'm pretty sure Riccardo would be pissed if he found out I only wanted to watch this because I thought the cast was hot.

The second movie of the trilogy ended and my stomach growled.

"You hungry," I ask him, I look up as he looked down at me, "I think I'm going to go make something"

He grunted and pulled me closer kissing my head, a smile breaking out on my face as the regular butterflies erupted in my right now empty stomach. I hum planting my face in his chest, loving the attention and affection I was getting.

"Come on baby, let's go get something to eat, I'll buy" he pressed his lips against mine holding it there for a few seconds before pulling away and standing up.

I roll to the edge of the bed and start looking around as Riccardo pulled his shirt on.

"Did you see my bra?" I turn around to ask him.

He smirked and shook his head "No I did not"


I roll my eyes picking up my phone and wallet, rushing to the door, the large man now chasing me as he caught a look at the rude gesture.

He hated when I rolled my eyes at him, it was a serious problem to him.

I tripped into the wall, grabbing onto it hissing and whining when he caught me, his hand leaving behind a painful sting and leaving his hand to rest against my ass cheek.

"Got ya" he teased nipping my ear before walking away

Fuck that hurt

I hurry up and move behind him, cutting in front of him and pulling him into the kitchen.

"Baby what are you doing?" He asks watching me open the fridge, the only things he had were protein drinks and water, the cabinets barely had food, it was mostly just cups, plates, and bowls.

"I change my mind, I wanna cook something and you have nothing to cook" I look towards him and smile, walking towards him slowly and putting my head on his shoulder "Babe"

"Yes beautiful, what you want"

"How do you feel about grocery shopping?" I look up at him

"You want me? and you, to go grocery shopping, baby I can just buy something" he raised an eyebrow at me shaking his head

"But Riccardo" I whine "I want shrimp and steak and I want to cook it"

He stares down into my puppy dog eyes and nodded, walking to a drawer where he kept all his keys in and walking back to me placing it in my hand.

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