Chapter 22

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I sat quietly in the library waiting patiently for Blake and his friends to get here.

The quiet environment was soon gone as the library doors where flown open, the librarian nowhere to be seen at the moment. The large group of more boys then I bargained for walking in and sitting at my table.

I stare as they continue to just talk, I wait for Blake to get over to me, sitting beside me and smiling.

"Sup deenie" I look at him confused

"Um... hi" I spoke looking around, "I thought it was just you and three other people, I know you need help but math was not something you asked me to help you with" I spoke softly scratching the back of my neck, I was nervous about having to be more social now and I just called him stupid.

They had to reschedule the tutoring with me a few times because of football practices, Riccardo didn't like them at all, not one bit, and he definitely didn't like Kenzie's choice of outfit for me either.

"Oh yeah, sorry, a few of the boys needed some help too and we'll pay you extra for some help for other subjects"

I look around the table at half the boys who were barely paying attention and the other half who were just looking at my face like they recognized me. Riccardo would so flip out.

"I guess that's okay" I breathe out heavily "What do you want to work on first"

He smiled and took out a few books that we were working on in class and a few books we would have to be comparing for an essay in a few weeks.

"I can't find any similarities and the practice quiz isn't really helping me" he said and then pointing at everyone else "They also need help with this"

I nod humming and pulling out the book and the practice test.

"Pride and prejudice" I first start "easiest question ever, most basic too, number one, what is the message of the book?"

They all stare at me with clueless looks then turn looking at one another as if silently asking.

"Your joking with me right?" I ask and none of them answer "The book follows their story, the main focus is how they fall in love, it shows how love can disappear and or flourish into something bigger"

They continue to stare confused and I sit back more crossing my arms.

"Can any of you guys even give me a moral?" They shook there heads and I lean forwards on the table "it is literally telling you not be to prideful and not to judge others, in the beginning Elizabeth hates Darcy and slowly falls in love with him" I watch as they take small glances at each other and slowly it hits me "you didn't even read the book"

"Nope" Blake confirmed and I just shook my head

"How am I supposed to help you if you don't even try" I scoff "I don't like wasting my time and if that's all your going to do then why even bother asking me to help you, or paying me to help you in fact"

"I'm sorry, I'll read it" Blake spoke frustratingly but sounded sincere still "I read part of the other book so maybe we can go over that because I'm not sure what's going on there, I promise I'll read it, it's just confusing"

I settle back into the chair.

"Are you single?" One of the other guys asked

"No" I answer

"So you that girl dating Riccardo Reyes?" He continued to question

"Yes, that's my boyfriends name now can I do what I came here to do or can I leave because my life isn't any of your business" I respond

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