Chapter 32

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I groan rolling over and wiping my drool away from my mouth, opening my eyes to look at the large wet spot on the pillow and slowly turning it over while looking around.

The grey-themed room and silky sheets confirming for me that I was in Riccardo's room, not to mention the powerful scent that drifted around the room.

I sit up reaching under the blanket to scratch my itching leg, I hiss when I touch it and lift the blanket to see what was wrong, a piece of scab stuck in my nails and some blood.

I stare at my leg confused, What the fuck did I do last night? Moving to stand on my feet I blankly continue to stare at my wrapped foot, looking up at a random lamp in the corner and hoping something would come to me but nothing did.

A headache started to hit and I stand on my feet, hissing at the pressure on my legs.

What the hell did I do? I spoke slowly in my head.

I limp towards the closet and grab a t-shirt from the closet, making my way to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth only to see a bruise on my cheek.

Doing my business and everything I hobble my way to the kitchen surprised when I see Mia and a few guys and walkie-talkie security guy from last night.

I roll my eyes and sigh, just great, not only was I bruised up looking like I got my ass beat but I was only wearing a t-shirt and Riccardo's boxers, a little embarrassed.

Before I could turn around everyone had noticed me.

I cough slightly into my hand and walked towards Riccardo who held his hand out towards me, holding me in his arms and kissing my head as I wash my hands.

"What the hell did I do last night?" I ask him turning towards the cutting board and grabbing an uncut strawberry

"You beat the shit out of Allison" Adrian answered.

"I did?" I asked but just as I asked my memories flood back and I spoke softly to myself feeling angered "I did, good for that dumb bitch"

"Babe you can't go around fighting people" Riccardo starts

"The fuck I can't, she wanted to put hands on me first, if anything she better hope I don't run into her again, who the hell is she to call me a bitch, slap me ,and then shove me. She lucky I was drunk or I would have bashed her head against a wall until her face was swollen that dumb broad" I half growl opening the fridge and grabbing a water

"I'll handle her Sidney just don't go around fighting her" I stop mid-sip and cross my arms looking at him

A deadly glare set on my face I could see from the side of my eyes Mia signaling Riccardo to shut up and at that moment I liked her because she had common sense.

"You said you would handle her last time and last night she walked up to me randomly and slapped me, do you call that handling because handling is when someone stays the hell away from you, so now we're going to do it my style and if you want to try deal with it again tell her next time I see her we're going right there until her bitch ass taps. I don't know how you do it but now words aren't going to work since she wants to touch me, your either going to have my back on that or hers and by the way you said that shit to me it sounds like you have hers. Do you think I can't take her? I look weak or something? If you care what I do to her then put a leash on your bitch because you didn't tell her shit after she started it" I throw the water bottle to the side and move to the room, going in and undressing.

Seriously, he wants me to just let go of that incident, I'm sorry but no, I don't care how fucked up I look or how badly I get hurt, mama didn't raise a bitch and I can tell you this much, I don't back down from fights and I don't let girls walk up to me and slap me then the next day be like everything is fine, it's was only a tap.

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