Chapter 30

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I woke up early and decided to wake Kenzie and Jonah up just because I had the opportunity and because I had time to spare till Riccardo got here to drop me off at campus.

Walking to Kenzie's room I look at the lump of blankets on the bed, Kenzie layered in blankets I yank some off and stand with her body between my legs.

"GOOD MORNING MY LOVELY FRIEND" I sing while jumping up and down "FOR I HAVE MISSED YOU SO GET UP FROM BED" I know she hates me.

She groaned trying to roll over and I sit to straddle her and just hug her, her hands trying to push me away so I tighten my grip, rolling back towards her each time and throwing my body on her until my ass ended up in her face and she ended up biting my ass.

"Your a bitch"

"And your abusive" I pout rubbing the area

"What do you want?" She asked rolling closer to me and placing her leg on me

"I don't know" I yawn "I just want you to wake up"

Kenzie's door opens and Jonah drags himself in and plops face-first into the bed, rolling over and turning around he lays his head on my stomach and groans.

"Loud ass mouth"

"Thank you" I smile as they looked at me like they wanted to kill me.

"Whatever, anyways, I've been trying to find someone who does fake Id's but the only person I found was absolute trash. We have been here for months and not once have we got into a club" Kenzie whined "What kind of shit is that?"

"Bullshit" we all turn at the new voice, a guy about my height, skinny yet lean, black hair, fair skin, and the cutest little freckles.

I smile at the same time as Kenzie smile Jonah just shrugged.

"Oliver this is Kenzie and Sidney, Sid and Ken this is Oliver"

"It's nice to formally meet you," I say nodding in his direction.

"Do you know anyone who sells good quality fake id's?" Kenzie asked sitting up

"Yeah but he's a ripoff" Oliver turned to me and pointed "Why don't you just ask your boyfriend?"

I turn to the side to see if there was somehow someone else in the room and to my dismay there wasn't.

"You talking to me?" I ask pointing to myself and he nodded.

"Riccardo can get us into a club?" Kenzie asked with a large grin on her face.

"Well yeah, Riccardo Reyes right? Everybodies been talking about you guys, he owns like a half of the clubs, strip clubs, and bars here, did you guys not know that?" I gulp as Kenzie stared at me and Jonah turned his head it looks at me, I knew of one but they knew about none.

"You need to ask him" Jonah demanded.

I laughed and shook my head "No the fuck I will not, then you'll drag me along if he does get us in"

Jonah gave little puppy dog eyes and Kenzie started cracking her muscles like she was ready to fight me until I agreed, I could kick Kenzie's ass no doubt but it always freaks me out how she can crack all her bones extremely loud and not die.

"FINE" I huff and get out of the bed walking to the front door as I get a text from Riccardo, what great timing he has.

I open it and smile at Riccardo holding up breakfast, he always brought me breakfast, like stated before, he spoiled me and I love it.

Holding the door open, he walks in and places a bag on the kitchen counter for the other two, he gets annoyed when I don't eat a healthy amount, whatever that means so he started buying a breakfast sandwich for Jonah and Kenzie when he comes to avoid them takin my food and him getting pissed off at them for doing so.

He pulls me towards him for a little kiss and I turn around heading towards my room.

Kenzie aggressively mouthing from her bedroom door 'ask him now'

I sigh, walking into the room, closing the door, and sitting next to him. He reached his arm out and rested it on my thigh, massaging it while he picked up his phone.

Picking up the fork and taking a bite of my omelet while he texts someone.

"Riccardo" I speak softly and he looks up.

"Yes beautiful" he answered, putting the phone down and giving me his full attention.

Shit I was nervous but I had no idea why, I just was.

"I wanted to ask you for a favor" he nodded and I continued "So Kenzie and Jonah have been wanting to get into a club for awhile now and I was wondering if-"

"I could get them in one of mine" he quickly finished my sentence "I don't see how this is a favor for you, more so of your friends"

He didn't hate them but I know he hated doing things for other people he didn't particularly care about.

"I would participate in showing up with them" I roll my eyes but quickly apologized.

"It's a club and you don't even drink" he points out and I could feel my defensiveness coming out before it even came out

"I drink, occasionally on special days not just because it's a party or a club"

He smirked and tilted his head "Have you ever been to a club"

"No" I answer

"That would be a special day than but there is no point in going to a club if your just going to sit to the side sober. I don't need underaged people running around in there and bringing in attention on my clubs, I also don't want you to go just for them and being bored at a table but if you want to go to have fun then I'll get you in, if you don't want to go then I'm not letting them in" he said simply "Sorry baby"

I stare at him not sure of what to say, He was giving me a damn ultimatum or something like that, it didn't feel like an ultimatum but it did at the same time, I understand where he was coming from but I also knew if I wanted something he would bend the rules for me.

Though drinking kind of scares me, The first time I drank wasn't the best, nor was my decisions that night. I was fourteen, my parents allowed it as long as I was on family property and the elders didn't find out. I climbed our back yard tree at one in the morning butt naked to try and jump into the pool, you can imagine the scratches, bruises and scars I got that night when I fell off the tree and missed the pool. I was stupid when I was drunk, a very, very stupid decision maker.

"Yes I do agree, there is no point in going to clubs if you aren't going to drink but some people go just to dance and some do it completely sober"

"Are you saying you want to dance? In a club? Sober? Would that social anxiety of yours let you do that?" he smirked

I continue to stare at him, what the hell does he want from me, go, no go, drink, no drink, I'm confused but maybe I'm just overthinking everything without even thinking.

"Fine then I would like to go to a club with my friends and drink, will you get us in" I pull my best puppy dog eyes and slowly he cracks

"Yes, Friday or Saturday?" he nodded his head before picking his phone back up, my door slamming open and Kenzie standing there looking victorious.

"Friday" I answer

"Yes!" She almost looked like she would cry in happiness "Thank you, Riccardo, Your the best and you got me my drinking buddy"

"This should be interesting" I mumble to myself

"Kenzie" he said looking back up from his phone "If she's not having a good time then I'm shutting your night down, as soon as I and her leave so are you guys, I'm only babysitting one but everybody leaves at the same time"

Kenzie pouted at me and I shrug, sticking my tongue out at her, picking up his arm and putting it over my should I lean into his body "Ya heard" I laugh at her.

Mama in charge now and she ain't going to do a damn thing about it if she wants to go clubbing.

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