Chapter 13

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I walk out of my room with the large duffle bag in hand. Both friends nowhere in sight so of course I would start to walk to the door but as I go to open the front door Jonah's door opens.

"Hey where you going?" He asked and I quickly walked back in and went into the fridge, it seemed to be the only way to hide my face

"Library, I'll be back around eleven-ish"

I look up to see him with narrowed eyes standing next to me and I quickly avert my eyes back towards the food as if I was doing something.

"That's awful late to be coming back don't you think" I grab a water bottle and clear my throat closing the fridge

"Yeah but the library closes at ten-thirty and I wanted to get some books before I leave so, eleven-ish" I responded putting my jacket on while facing my back towards him "Anyways love you, bye"

Before he could say something I was opening the door and jogging out.

I knew they were on to me, I could just feel it, I've never gone out without them other than to work, and never did I walk 'to work' with a duffle bag.

I quickly approached Riccardo's car across the street, opening the door and getting in I close the door just as the balcony door opens and my two best friends are running out of the apartment and looking down the sidewalks for me.

"Wait" I tell Riccardo before he could pull away

"Why? What's the matter?" He asked confused

"Because if they catch me with you they'll have my head on a chopping board" I point "If I introduced you there are fewer chances of them being mad or they won't be as mad"

He nodded and moved in kissing my cheek.

"I missed you beautiful" he mumbled kissing my neck

"You saw me this morning" I giggle pushing his head away

"So, I still missed you"

"Whatever" I roll my eyes playfully and pulling the seatbelt over me "Can we stop at the library before dinner"

He looked at me and nodded, signaling him to go as the two walked back into the apartment building.

I know I don't have a reason to hide this relationship but once they know it's like everyone back home will have telepathy and immediately know too and I don't need my family in my business right now.

I quickly get out as he parked, grabbing my bag and walking forward I stop and turn around when I heard the car lock.

"What are you doing?" I ask him as he walks towards me,

"I'm coming inside with you, you think I'll let you go in there by yourself" he smirked placing his hand on my lower back as we walk

I go towards the bathroom and close the door when Riccardo comes in behind me kissing on my neck.

It wasn't the bathrooms with like five stalls it was a single half bathroom that was pretty spacious.

"Riccardo" I whine pushing him back "Not here, this is so unsanitary"

"Well would you let me take you to your apartment and fuck you there or at my place" I just stare at him "Exactly now bring your sexy ass over here"

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