Home To Mama (Michael Clifford imagine)

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about time i listened to 'home to mama' also no proofread just like the others

Home To Mama (Michael Clifford imagine)

Pacing back and forth across your room, your dog was trailing behind in confusion. You were frustrated about thoughts popping in your mind ever second, eager for an answer, eager about just something. You then come to an abrupt stop and plumped down on the side of your bed, heaving a heavy, stressful aigh during that time.

You're going to meet Michael's mom, your boyfriend's mom.

You're not as anxious as you are before, you're always cool with mothers. You just have been friends with Michael long enough to say that his mother was pretty strict. Michael once told you back then that she would always intervene in every relationship of him and neither one made out successful. Now that you're Michael's girlfriend - and something fantastic to hear over and over - you grew worrysome. But Michael reassured you that he will and always have your back. You trusted Michael but you just don't think you'll trust yourself once she rejected you for her only son and child.

Your mother noticed this from you and wanted to be sure if you're alright. You're open to your mom like she is to you. She's like the perfect bestfriend for you. And so you told her about the dinner that will be held tonight and you just don't know what to do or how to react, or how to speak properly without stuttering. Youv always do that when you're nervous, most people do. Your mother sighed and adviced you to just be yourself. Although your mother disliked your boyfriend's physical appearance - dyed hair, piercing, once a repeater, got into a massive fight in the neighborhood and has something in his eyes that your mom thought was very despising but it wasn't, really - asking you to a dinner with his mother is a serious move. Michael was serious about you and you know that, your mom just doubted that at first. Your mother would never quite understand this generation anyway.

"Mom, should I really go? What if she doesn't like me?" you blabbered out but she just pat your shoulder to ease you for a tad bit.

"If I can try myself to like Michael, I'm sure his mother would do so too," she calmly smiled like it shouldn't be a big deal. "Besides, Michael wouldn't choose the girl he's not proud to show to his mother now would he?" you shook your head and it made your cheeks slightly flushed. "So, are we going to the mall to buy you a new dress or are we going to the mall to buy you a new dress?" you laughed and rolled your eyes from what had your mother said.

Few hours later, the door bell rang off. It caught you off guard that you almost jumped from your seat. Your mother just finished your hairdo with a simple waterfall braid before she insisted to open the front door. Your heart beat was palpitating rapidly and abnormally it beats at that time. You could them ringing in your ears and before you know it, your mother peeked in and asked you to come down. You heaved a sigh before you glanced at your reflection in the mirror before you finally stepped outside your room and down the flight of stairs to see your lovely boyfriend in suit and tie, waiting patiently with a smile on his face.

To say that he was amazed was an understatement. It was more of excited, jumpy - he was glad to see you participating this offer of him to dinner. Frankly, he was also nervous. You've only been with Michael in a relationship for two weeks and he just doesn't know how will his mother react. Not that he loathed his mother, he was looking on the brighter side that they may be not the girls that he should be with for eternity. But as you stood near, almost adoring your usual scent of vanilla, he knew you just have to be the one.

"M'lady," he winked and took your right hand to damped his pink-ish, soft lips on the back of your palm shortly before he smiled to your mother. "Thank you for permitting Y/N to go, Mrs. Y/L/N."

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