At The Rooftop (Calum Hood imagine)

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At The Rooftop (Calum Hood imagine)

Bea's POV

Calum Hood has been the big gossip at school, even around town for being the "Prankster Boy" and also the guy who plays the bass on some garage band. The weird thing that could knot our ropes of lives together was when my parents invited his parents and tonight is the night they'll be coming over. My mom already prepared everything while my dad told me that their children consisted of two, one boy and one girl. He wants me to cope with the girl, I still nod although I don't really see why I wouldn't be close to Calum. Yes, we haven't talked before but I think he has a reason for his ways. Besides, he's a guy, he can't be all girly.

"Honey, they're here!" mom called out from downstairs. I looked to dad while he looked back to me and we nodded at each other before we walked downstairs. "Hello Mrs. Hood! Mali, you looked beautiful." my mother complimented a lady who's really beautiful by the door.

They got in before Mrs. Hood said, "I'm sorry if my husband isn't around, he has tons of work at the moment." my mom hugged her and said it's alright.

"Mom, you forgot your purse." a boy my age caught my attention by the door wearing an informal pair of clothes; long sleeveless shirt with matching bracelets, tight pants and black shoes. Yep, he's really Calum Hood, add his instrument behind him.

"Hey, I'm Mali!" a lady introduced to me, extending her hand. "I heard you're my brother's classmate."

I shook her hand, "I'm Bea and we are classmates." I confirmed. "But we're not really close."

"It's okay, I think he wants to get close too." she winked at me and then walked to my dad to greet him personally. I was still caught up with the idea Calum wants to get close, well I wanna be close too but not really that close. I just think he's cool playing instruments, that's all.

So during dinner, they talked about lot of things. My parents boasted me in those singing contests I've won before while Calum's parents boasted, of course, Calum on his band with his friends and also Mali-koa on her career. I was interested about their lives since I fancy people that likes things relating music while Calum on the opposite side of the table looked like he's texting someone and Mali was whispering to him, maybe to make him stop it.

An hour later, I was so caught up with the conversation that I didn't even realize that Mali was already beside me and Calum was nowhere to be seen on the table.

"Hey, I never thought you can sing." I looked to Mali and I smiled.

"And I never thought you can sing!" we giggled. "It was nice knowing you, I never really thought Calum would have a sister like you."

"Oh sheesh, I never thought I would have a brother." she smiled. "But speaking of Calum, don't you guys talk in school? Just a simple conversation, no?"

"Ever since 1st grade, I have never made a conversation with him. Even if we're in a group together, he never talk a lot to me." I was thinking maybe he's ignoring me but I didn't do anything so might as well erase that.

"Did you guys became lab partners?" I shook my head and she looked at me confused. "That's weird, he knows you quite a lot."

"P-Pardon?" I just wanna hear it again, to make sure I heard it right. But she laughed it off and wants me to look for him while their mom was still on a good conversation with my parents. I nodded, I really want to know where he is anyway.

I stood up, not sure where to go but I first got outside to expect him maybe making an art on our wall. I saw nothing but a dead street except I heard something, now that's different.

"Infatuation, not seeing the rest of you is getting the best of me. It's such a shame that you shot me down, it would have been nice to be around. I'm touching your skin If it's only a fantasy, then why is it killing me? I guess this must be infatuation." I looked up to see the one and only Calum sitting on our roof with an acoustic guitar, sitting as if he owned the world.

"Calum!" I called him and he stopped to look down to me. He almost fell down when he was surprised that it was I who called him.

"Wh-What?" he asked.

"How did you come up there?" I asked him.

"Use the ladder!" he pointed something behind our house and I nodded, just a bit confused that he know my house better than I. But I shrugged it as I ran around to the back of the house to see a ladder waiting for me.

I got my foot on the first step before the other one while I'm holding bith sides of the ladder, Calum helped me from the top by grabbing my hand and pulling me up. I kind of stepped into the wrong stepping, falling down if Calum doesn't have my hand. And now that I'm on our roof, I sat carefully since I'm wearing a dress.

"Are you here for quite a while now?" I dare to ask.

He stared at me for a moment before he shook his head and answered, "Kind of, the sight from here's perfect unlike our roof over there." he pointed at a blue roof, three streets away which is facing here.

"Well," I thought for a second. "What are you singing?"

"Uh, it's from Maroon 5." he answered, not daring to look at me when he said it. "You sing, right?" I kind of smile when he knew I could sing, he was really listening after all.

"Yeah, why?" I asked him.

"Do you know All Of Me by John Legend?" I nodded excitedly, it's my favorite song for the whole month! That's the maximum limit of how I like a song very much. "We'll be singing alternate then both on chorus, got it?" I nodded again as he strummed his guitar.

We laughed when Calum got the highest note of the song while I'm just looking at him. He was cute to smile, grin even. Everything about him tonight was showing, the things that I don't really see everyday on Calum Hood. It was the night we talked about things we never knew would be our conversation. Every random thing, we'll have something to share and it just kept on going. Until of course, I heard my name being called.

"Bea?" I quickly looked down to where dad was. "Bea?"

"I'm here, dad!" I called upon him and he looked up to me with his eyes widen a bit.

"What are you doing there, honey?" I looked at Calum and he was a bit leaned back where dad can't see him down so I didn't even wonder why.

"I'm just, I found the view here perfect." I just told him.

"Where's Calum?" someone said down at the front porch. Calum quickly held my hand and looked me in the eye.

"Bea, I want you to come with me tomorrow. I want you, Bea. I just don't have the courage to tell you and I guess now's the time to tell it to you." I was a bit confused, I couldn't quite catch his idea of why he's saying this to me.

"Wh-What?" he sighed before he wrapped his hand on the nape of my neck and gently pushed my head closer to him until our lips touched. It was something different, it was something that my stomach did flips I ought would I never feel and he was my first kiss! Stolen, even!

"Now you can't escape tomorrow," Calum said when he leaned back, breathless but still has something to say. "I'm going to let you meet the band and we're going to a pizza place after school, whadya say?" who can deny a pizza and the Calum Hood?

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