An Open Letter to The Significant (Luke Hemmings one shot)

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Hey guys, it's Charlie! Just a quick update on what's practically going on. So, I'm writing three books as of the moment: Shizuka na Hana, The Way Back and The Strays. The former is not really a Japanese novel but more of an inspired one from reading a lot of shoujo mangas. The middle will be dedicated to my best friend and for those who have been hurt through relationships and attachments. The latter will be a Harry Styles AU for my best pal. I cannot wait to finally finish them all. School has been eating up a lot of my time lately.

So to apologize for being inactive, this will be long.
- Charlie

An Open Letter to The Significant (Luke Hemmings one shot)

"Hey, I'm Luke. You need some help?"

I was just on the side, minding my own errands to help my aunt who is the band's stylist and I was only there for the weekends as my part-time job, but you took notice of my presence with a cup of coffee in hand and wore a dark rounded sunglasses. You asked if I needed help carrying a lot of my aunt's things and I desperately nodded my head. You placed your coffee down on the side and took a few bags, and you followed me to a certain dressing room.

You asked, "Wait, are we going in there?"
I looked back at you, "Yeah. Why'd you ask?"
"It's my dressing room." you smiled.

When we met, you were just Luke Hemmings. You were just a boy in a band with his friends, having a good time. It didn't matter to me whether your eyes glistered in passion every time you look at the sea of people adoring you all on stage or I kept in touch with you after our first personal meet. Who would have thought a blonde, blue-eyed boy could make a huge impact in my life?

"Wanna grab a coffee sometime?"

A week later, you invited me to the nearest coffee shop before your rehearsal. I was already done with my school works so I thought, "Maybe I should take a rest" and you happened to be there. We met, wearing both of our hoodie from the cold weather, and talked a lot about myself, specifically. I remembered you said, "You probably know a lot about us from your aunt. She can be very talkative." and you chuckled.

I told you, "Touché. Okay, I'm Y/N, already in college. I almost dropped out because of my passion as a freelance artist."
"Cool," you smiled. "You got an artwork with you? Or some sketches?"
I took out my sketch pad from my bag and gave you the liberty to look at them. I drew ships, doodled a bunch of flowers and one canvas of my best friend who lived across the world. I said, "We promised each other we'll meet after we graduated and I'm going to give that to her or you know, enhance it more."
You flipped through the pages and stopped on a blank sheet to look at me. "How about we make a deal?"
"What are we gambling?"
"I want you to draw me and in return, I'll make a song for you." you were determined to do such task just for me to make you a portrait. You could really have it for free but I don't mind.
"Do you have the time though? If I'm going to draw you, I'll be needing you."
"The tour will end after a month and we'll have the whole summer to rest before going back to the studio..." you trailed off, speaking out loud. " maybe on the third week next month? I'll send you a message."

Then next month came like it was yesterday. We keep meeting at the park nearby the house with my sketch pad and my pencil case, and your guitar with you. Most of the time we keep on asking questions and telling stories that we forgot about our deal. You asked me what suited in the lyric and I asked you if you want the portrait to be colored. And every day, I kept looking forward on meeting you at our favorite spot until the feeling made me want to see you often than I should have. I felt so attached to our bond that I mistakenly kept it as something more.

You became significant. You were a habit that I couldn't get rid of. When I was almost done with your portrait, I was waiting at the park to show you the progress. I was giddy that my feet kept on tapping onto the ground. But you never came. I didn't received any messages coming from you and when I came by the park the next day, you weren't there either. I just found out from my aunt you were already across the world, a thousand miles away, and meeting a lot of people.

I was mad, disappointed and furious that you didn't even made the effort to say goodbye or let alone say anything about departing. Apart from that, I was scared and lost. I felt like I lost a piece inside me that felt just right at one point. It disappeared and I'm aching for the loss until a few months later, I received a message from you. You were in Atlanta, already released your band's first album and looking forward for the tour.

"She sleeps alone, my heart wants to come home. I wish I was beside you."

Your text was a song you wrote for me and I wouldn't know this if I didn't bought your album. I don't know if you're sending a "message" that you already know you're going away or it's just something you're inspired from but either way, it didn't matter. After all those times, you still remembered me yet I didn't know why you separated yourself from me just like that. Knowing you, maybe you had a reason and whatever it is, I want to respect that.

Now, hinting your third album, I decided to talk to my aunt if she could let me come with her to one of your concerts near the state. I stood with the screaming audience and saw you performed live for the second time. You grew a beard, looking much like your older brother, Jack. You looked matured yet you still had those glistering eyes of passion. You were still the same and instead of singing along, I cried.

What happened to us?

What made you drift away?

And when I came home from the concert, didn't even bother to meet you backstage, I lied down on my bed and opened up the message you sent to me years ago. I then found myself typing a certain lyric and you replied immediately as if waiting for a miracle.

And it was.

"How'd we drift so far away from where we left off yesterday? I'm lonely like a castaway."

Luke replied: I'm already on my flight back home and pls trust me on this. I have a lot to say, Y/N. I hope you haven't given up 'cause after all these years, I didn't.

I love you, Y/N. Wait for me.

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