Bro Code (Luke Hemmings imagine)

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Lately I've been running out of ideas and mostly because my mind's strictly blocking every possible idea that could work because I critisize myself so much. Like, this wasn't everyone's problem when "cliche" stories came to float on water. Also, my week wasn't that happy. And then @Justthehipsta made my day and asked me if I could do an imagine for her. So yes, here it is! Please bear with my grammar mistakes and other flaws circulating this imagine.

Also her profile link will be on the external 'cause I found out she's writing pretty sick fanfictions. x

Bro Code (Luke Hemmings imagine)

Standing under a heavy, cold rain and thunderstorm was not your exact plan for Valentines' Day.

You wore the prettiest dress you could find in your closet and you even borrow your sister's beautiful wedges to sums up everything. From make-up to waxing your legs, you thought everything will be settled and perfect. Together with your boyfriend, Calum Hood, you decided that you'll dine in a fancy restaurant and later on have fun in a newly-built themed park that's one hour drive from the city. Everything was settled the week before the day but on that exact day was when Calum found something more interesting and also, decided to surprise you.

You waited for his arrival at the five-star restaurant at seven and sat on the nearest bench at quarter to eight. You texted him a few times in the same time, trying to restrain yourself for being too clingy. Calum never wanted his girl being clingy, he was the one clingy on the relationship - or if there's really a relationship between you and him. The reservations for the restaurant that Calum planned at eight was already cancelled and he still haven't arrived. Half past eight, he then called which you immediately answered on its first ring. You calmly asked him if he's stuck on something, like traffic or something came off that needed his help.

You heard shuffling on the other line as if he's just laying on his bed and he replied, "Yeah, um, about that, see..." he trailed off and you surely knew at that moment something was awfully wrong.

"C-Calum?" you choke, fighting back the tears. The negative thoughts came rushing into your mind as soon as he said those words. Something ache inside of you and you can't breathe. You felt like you were tied up to something and a piece fell off from the hurt.

"Justine, I'm breaking up with you," he continued. "I know it's late to tell you this, but I just didn't have any guts to say it to you. I'm sorry." it was quiet and a bit fast but you exactly comprehend every word he said on the speaker. It was all silent, your solemn sobs were trying to be quiet as possible as well. You don't want him to hear you in your weak state, he's expecting you to be brave to handle this situation. Or maybe it was just you saying that thought.

But nevertheless, the anger grew more inside of you, "I hate you so much! How could you do this to me?!" you stomped your feet on the concrete, you didn't care at that moment how people would think of you. "You made me wait here for nothing and now you're telling me you wanna break up with me?! How could you?! I can't understand you, Calum, I just can't!"

"Baby, please!" he begged. "It's me, okay? I'm breaking up because I don't want you to be hurt."

"Oh, don't you call me baby after what you said!" you exclaimed. "So, I'm not hurting on my current state? What do you think I am, Calum? You took me by surprise, I thought this was a perfect day for us! You fucking ruined everything! What did I even do to you, Cal? Why?" the tears were destroying your make-up, especially your black eyeliner.

He let out a frustrated sigh, "I got your best friend pregnant, happy?!" you froze. "S-She called me up today when I was dressing up and told me I was the f-father of the one she's bringing." you could imagine him frustratingly running his hand through his hair. "I know it's mine because...when we fought the other day, she found me at the bar and everything's history." you closed your eyes and managed your temple with one hand. The tears were still dripping down and so was the sky.

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