Notes and Passages (Michael Clifford imagine)

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this is for my own entertainment and my own gift because it's my birthday tomorrow (March 6) so yeah lmao im keeping myself happy

p. s i know it sucks im sorry

Notes and Passages (Michael Clifford one shot)

At school, she's always at the top of the school building, drinking an alcoholic beverage and smoking on her cigarette. Every puff of smoke, she's also taking out stress and frustration she has throughout the day. These are the only things she could think of to drown herself in misery and making herself satisfied at the same time. There are other times she would have a companion at the rooftop which she never talked or tried to have a conversation to.

Not that he was Michael Clifford.

It was one of the reasons - yes - but what's keeping her away from him is that he's more of an introvert. He'll never get along perfectly with everyone else and Charlotte doesn't want her patience being tested to this boy. He's sometimes rude and becomes everyone's enemy which Charlotte can't cope up. But with many of his visits in the same place, same time, she tried to do one. She puffed out the last air from her cigarette before she threw it far from the place and turned on her heel to walk towards Michael's direction. He was sitting at a corner silently with his book, murmuring every word inside and nodding to himself when he comprehend the events going on.

When Charlotte halt in front of him, he took this by surprise since her shadow made him stopped reading his good book called Every day.

He looked up to see her face and slightly waved at her presence which she didn't bother to reply with a wave back. Instead, she sat down four inches apart from him solemnly. Michael only stared at her every actions, trying to calm himself in the process. As far as he know, Charlotte was one of many people he wanted to avoid.

Not that she's a notorious girl.

He was familiar with her every features as seen everyday in his best friend's house when they're still 16. He would be arriving in Luke's for a band practice or a help from the assignment and he would always see her presence wearing nothing but Luke's boxers or shirt, or thankfully, both. But as soon as they broke up, Luke was torn and Michael blames Charlotte for it without her acknowledge. Luke has been his best friend for decades and suddenly this friendship fell to pieces when Luke decided to join the popular ones in the soccer team. Michael couldn't find fault at that, he was hard to mend. He, himself, thinks was hard to comprehend and he would always driven himself in thoughts as if he has his own world somewhere in the clouds.

Charlotte spoke up, "What are you reading?"

Michael snapped out to reality and quietly answered, "Some book I found in my basement."

She nodded, trying to be interested, "How's Luke?"

Michael scoffed, "Ask the boy, the name's Michael if you don't know." he shifted his mood from gullible and fragile to hard and quite harsh. Charlotte took this aback but nevertheless, tried to keep her calm posture. She knew this boy's friends with her ex-boyfriend but she never knew what had happened next between them. She just knew enough.

"Talk about hot-headed." she rolled her eyes. Michael didn't reply and kept silent. He decided to continue reading his book and imagining that Charlotte was never at his side or in any near distance at all. But Charlotte tried to get his attention by scooting closer to see what he's trying to read.

Michael sighed and asked, "What do you want?"

Charlotte looked at him in a near distance which she already can recognize his eyes' color were jade green. She asked back, "Do you always read books?" she then leaned back and waited for him to answer.

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