Like For A Change (Calum Hood imagine)

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Like For A Change (Calum Hood imagine)

You're the one who doesn't like Calum with no reasons why. It doesn't come to the point where you hate him entirely or as a whole but you just dislike him. Maybe because he's quite frank with everything he says and being the band's best friend, he'd been teasing you a lot with Ashton. Ashton, on the other hand, just laughed it off since he only knew that it was just a plain joke. But for you, you liked Ashton. Not a lot but you have grown interests with him and Calum was the first one to notice.

Moreover, as the band's best friend, you're taken to different parts of the world with the help of the band. They felt comfortable with you around as their company. You were always fun to hang with, mostly Calum was comfortable with you around. He never knew why, he wasn't open very much to his feelings or at least have a talk with someone about it. He just liked you being there for the band and being there as their best friend.

Until this morning show when Calum was supposed to answer, along with everybody, who's this "Y/N" they're always with.

"Oh, she's Ashton's secret girlfriend." Michael said when he took the microphone from Luke. Luke laughed at that, finding it funny when it comes from Michael.

"Don't listen to him," his thick Australian accent boomed on his own microphone with a smile on his face. "She's our childhood friend and she wanted to tour with us, which was surprisingly okay with her parents." as usual, he chuckled like it came from heaven.

Luke added quietly on his microphone, "She got our nudes." everyone laughed because they heard it despite the argument between Michael and Ashton.

"How about you, Calum?" the interviewer asked curiously about Calum's opinion about you.

He smiled and chuckled then shook his head, "She's our childhood friend."

"Really?" the interviewer's British accent doubtingly asked. "I'm sure your smile and chuckles were saying otherwise."

His best of friends and the entire crowd were just looking at him, waiting for his answer. He felt the right words wanting to come out but he can't do it. Not publicly, not when he wasn't really sure of his feelings. Sure he's teasing you about Ashton but that's just because you really like him which he wasn't contradicting from. Sure he's annoying the hell out of you but he just like your attention. Since he's the only one that you could trust about your feelings to Ashton, you always talk to him about Ashton, which Calum wasn't amused to. But with all of that, he doesn't know what to really feel about you.

Until he spoke, his eyes connecting to yours without even realizing it, "She's so special to the band, or I don't know, maybe it was just me. She's adorable when she takes care of the band like a babysitter or something. I don't know, because the thing about Y/N and what I'm feeling about her are pretty weird. I can't even confirm, even to myself, if I really like her or do I love her so much. And then, maybe it's just me." it was silent between the interviewer and the crowd to what Calum just said in front these people, in front of the cameras, in front of you.

And even in that kind of quietude, with your eyes locking with his, many words were already spoken without anyone hearing it but the two. And maybe, just maybe, this is the start of liking Calum for a change.

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