Troy the British (Luke Hemmings one shot)

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this is dedicated to my friend and she asked me to do this so

Troy the British (Luke Hemmings one shot)

One word: EXAMS. Damn you papers of questions. I groaned when I remembered it'll be in a week and I haven't study a thing. All I could think about is cute Calum Hood, hot Ashton Irwin, funny Michael Clifford and sexy Luke Hemmings.

"You looked stressed out before exams, what bothers you?" Desna, my best friend, asked during lunch time.

"Ask me exam questions." I told her and she immediately thought of one.

I was a bit caught up on a doodle I've made for Ashton and Luke that I only hear is what year so I blurted out something that isn't really connected.

"Ashton Fletcher Irwin joined the band in December 2011." a hand suddenly closed my notebook where the doodles are and I looked up at Desna who rolled her eyes.

"You're really crazy."

"Not as crazy as you towards Liam James Payne." I teased her.

"Well, I have my schedule while you don't have one." I just stared at her, my mind floating to Luke that has been nervous in Billboards but there's Calum who cheered him up by looking at him in his eyes. "Jherilyn!"

"Wh-What? Huh?" I snapped outof my fantasy and looked at Desna who is clearly tired of snapping me. "Oh sorry."

"You're just hungry, I'll buy you Sneakers." I chuckled and shook my head from her joke. "Whaaaat?You just need something to eat."

"Sure, whatever." I still held onto a smile plastered on my face while we got out of the classroom and headed towards the cafeteria. Desna then later on talked about this cute guy from another class that she has a "little" crush on and I'm half listening. I kind of heard someone said "Luke Hemmings" bythe hallway and I'm eager to listen.

"Omg you're so lucky! How did he followed you?" a girl asked that stopped me walking.

"You'll never believe but still believe me because I just tweeted him that it's my sister's birthday and asked if he could follow me so he did!" the girl said in her excited tone. I would be the same if one of 5SOS will follow me, just twice than her reaction. "I didn't slept last night just by thinking about it, I'm one of the lucky 5SOSFam!" gosh I envy her so baaaaad.

"Uhm, excuse me?" I heard Desna asked the girl, making them look at my best friend. What is she doing? "Are you Tanya? William's sister?"

"Yes, I am Tanya and you're Desna! You're the one my brother's been courting, right?" I don't know what they're talking about but I guess William is the cute guy Desna kept on talking about.

"Yeah, I'm that girl." I saw Desna blushed. "What are you girls talking about?"

"Well, Tanya was followed by Luke Hemmings on Twitter!" Tanya's best friend broke the news (which I already know).

"Oh, Jherilyn. Luke Hemmings." she looked at me and I gave her a smile. I just want to hack Tanya's Twitter account T^T am I that bad? "You see, my best friend is a 5 Seconds of Summer fan or that you call 5SOSFam, sorry if I don't know. And I just wanna ask if you could make Luke follow Jherilyn too."

"Oh! I can DM him or tweet him about Jherilyn." Tanya smiled.

"Great! Jherilyn can't study if one of her inspirations, you know, can't inspire her." they chuckled.

"I'll make sure he'll follow Jherilyn." Tanya never dropped her smile down, it's not even fake.

"Thank you, Tanya." I appreciated it. A lot. I just wonder if Luke will really follow me.

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