Taking Risks (Michael Clifford imagine)

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dedicated to @_peyton_clifford_ :) (sorry if i smile a lot) and i think i didnt accomplished the cute thing but anyways

p.s sorry if im posting this now, i had school

Taking Risks (Michael Clifford imagine)

"What do you mean?" I looked up to him, the moon shone down on the calm sea and kind of found their ways to brighten up Michael's face. It was something I should take pictures of, it was one of the wonderful sights to look onto him. He was smiling, his pearly white teeth showing and dark green orbs somehow brightens as well. Especially when those eyes of his connected to mine, it was like I've known for so many years. Everyday, I wouldn't get tired looking at his face.

"You heard what I said," he shook his head and chuckled softly. "I never been in love or even fell in love. Heck, I don't even know what it feels."

"What about your love for your parents? I mean, that's love." I was just staring at him, even while he's biting his lower lip. I guessed he got Luke's habit, his best friend.

"That's different and you know what I'm talking about, come on!" he looked back at me and punched my left arm playfully. I took revenge and smacked my balled fist towards him left arm in the same amount of force with a cheerful laughter escaping our lips. The night was perfect; just staring at the moon, being with Michael and do nothing but have a conversation with each other. Even in the nonsense things we tend to have a conversation about it, adding little arguments that turned into something we could laugh about and remember. "If you could excuse me from what I'm going to say, I supposed you know what it feels like with your boyfriend." my smile faded a little but I did managed to roll my eyes with a "You're not bringing that up" look. He just smiled at me and I sighed.

"He's my ex-boyfriend now, Michael, and let's just say it's something worth to be risking for, you know what I mean?" he only listened. I looked down on the calm sea while I slowly moved my legs alternately like a kid. "Like this one time you were supposed to be in your house because you're grounded but you escaped just so you could see your happy three friends, practicing as a band. You risk your life just by escaping your house but it didn't matter to you, you feel free." I smiled from the memory.

"And then my mom found out I was gone missing from my bed late at night, making the police department be alarmed about it and sent troops and stuff to find me." he licked his lips and giggled. "I was sixteen at that time, yep good memories." he heaved out a satisfied sigh and laid down.

"Right," I nodded and I looked back on the sea. "Comparing it to the emotion we're talking about, it's the same thing. You want to risk something like your time, money and effort that you think is worth it. Sometimes you feel like you're sneaking into the enemy's territory, terrified that they'll catch you and scared that your warm hands became sweaty." I don't even know how I've managed to explain Michael the feeling of being in love. I know, I'm honest to myself that I've felt the same on my boyfriend before because we weren't legal with both of our families and I've lose too many of my friends just to be with my boyfriend. "But at the same time? You felt like, at that moment, it's the right thing to do. You fell in love because it's the right thing to do. You fell in love because you feel comfortable about the feeling after a lot of times that weird feeling inside your stomach. You fell in love just like that, you felt something ignited inside of you." I looked back at him where he was just staring and listening.

"Like Katy Perry?" I chuckled and shook my head.

"Way to ruin the moment, Mikey." he sat up from his position earlier and looked down on his crossed legs. "Is something wrong? Did I said something that bothered you?" he waved his hand, implying that it wasn't that. His mood shifted into something I couldn't paint a picture of. "Then what is it?"

"I wanna risk something." he immediately looked up to me. His eyes were a bit dark, I couldn't identify what was he planning to do. Before I could even ask another question, he quickly leaned forward and connected with my lips within a second. I was surprised by his action but somehow, I felt him deepening the kiss and I just don't want him to pull back yet. It wasn't full on lust, it felt like I need to continue this but it's so wrong. He's my best friend and I already got my eyes on Ashton. But hey, life is full of surprises. I wrapped my arms around his neck while he moved his lips in sync with mine, like there's a pattern and a rhythm. His hand found its way on my hips, pushing me gently down on the ground without breaking the kiss. Until his tongue licked my lower lip for entrance which I obliged, tugging his hair gently during the process.

It was perfect, but I pulled back first. My chest was rising up and down in search for oxygen and his chest was the same. We stared at each other for a long time with emotions of being astonished and loved going along with it. Then we laughed it off, his head buried down on my neck with his warm breath tickling me.

"You know what?" I asked him, his head leaned back and stare at me again. He was genuinely smiling in front of me and it was contagious. He's a boy who can be mad, happy, sad and crazy but still looked charming and beautiful. Not really beautiful in a feminine way, he was beautiful in his own way and I have no words. We let silence took over for a moment until I finally said it, "I wanna risk too."

He grinned and became a little hesitant, "I...love you."

I giggled, "Oh, just kiss me."

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