If It Means A Lot To You (Luke Hemmings imagine)

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Yes it's sembreak.

If It Means A Lot To You (Luke Hemmings imagine)

Luke posted a picture on Instagram saying, "going somewhere with my pals #excited ;)". You were taking a bath for school when your phone rang off and you saw his picture with a wide grin spread on his pink lips. It was contagious, you had to smile. When you were at school, your best friend greeted and asked if you saw the picture your boyfriend posted. You nod your head as your conversation with your best friend goes on:

"He seem so excited when yesterday, you guys were Skyping and he was feeling shit," your best friend commented. "Is your boyfriend on drugs or something?" it was meant to be joke and a rhetorical question but you said something in defense in behalf of Luke and knowing Luke wouldn't do such a thing.

"He's not! You know it too!"

She laughed, "Oh well, whatever kept him grinning on that picture must have a reason." you didn't said anything after that, you were wondering as well. To you, you know Luke's always excited going to places after places, wandering new atmosphere and areas he'd never been to and you somehow thought this has to be a reason why. For almost 3 years of being together with Luke and a decade being friends with that tall guy, you felt satisfied with the thought of it.

After school, you got home quick because teacher after teacher gave you assignments that are due the next day. You and your best friend cancelled off your hang out day, deciding that school has to be prioritized first. But as you got home, you saw your parents watching a tv show and commenting on it while sitting on the family sofa.

"Mom? Dad?" you were surprised they got home early. Not that you're hiding something when they're gone, you were just astonished to see them off from work that fast.

"Oh honey!" they stood up and came to hug you, surprisingly you just stood there.

"We're proud of you." your dad smiled as the couple pulled out from the hug.

"How come you didn't tell us?" your mom gently nudged your arm as your eyebrow had gone up in question.

"Uh, tell you what?" so far, you knew you were already legal on your relationship with Luke and you got no secrets to tell them.

"Sweetheart," your parents looked at each other before your dad shook his head. Your mom nodded and looked at you again, still in bewilder.

"We thought and decided that you shouldn't attend your school tomorrow," your mom said. "We're going to have a family time! You, me, your dad. Family."

"I'm sure we can do that on Saturday mom-"

"We already dated it's our rest day tomorrow. Don't worry honey, I'll just tell your best friend to take your homeworks to school and pass it." you dad cut into your sentence. You got no choice but to nod and excused yourself to go to your room and start doing your assignments. After that, quarter to 9, you decided to text Luke.

Y/N: Hey babe do you by any chance know about my parents behavior recently?

Luke: What behavior are u talking about babe?

Y/N: Oh well nothing they're being too cuddly

Luke: Really hahaha I'll be the same if I ever come home again :--)

Y/N: When are you coming back? I miss you :(

Luke: Soon babe soon i love you so much! X

The next day, your mother woke you up at 9 in the morning. She said you need to come with her buying something from the grocery and shop to wear for later on. She didn't said any other information after that but you nod and dressed up casual on your bonding moment with your mom. Half past 3 in the afternoon, you both came back home with everything you need and your dad surprisingly cleaned up your house. You asked what's the occasion and they answered it's a party that you guys need to celebrate. It wasn't your birthday or anyone's birthday in particular but you were getting a little uncomfortable about how this day would go.

At exactly 7, your doorbell rang. You were dressed nice and watching some show you were lured in. You volunteer to open the door and as you swung the door open, you were surprised the whole Hemmings family were there with genuine smiles and elegant clothes. Liz hugged you and you hugged back, saying afterwards that they're very glad to see you again. You let them in, saying hi to Luke's brothersーBen and Jackーand to their father as well. The thing was, Luke wasn't around and you wondered why would your parents invite them in an elegant dinner.

As two families merged in the dining room, laughter and chattering sounds filled the room. It was then when someone knocked on the door and you asked who would that be. You turned to look at your parents but when nobody moved, the door flung open revealing 3 guys with Mexican hats; two with an acoustic guitar and one who has the clam. They entered the room and you noticed they were familiar, especially the other one who has a red dye hair; Michael. You laughed with everyone until they stopped the music, slowly as they played a song you're familiar with.

"And hey darling," the start, you suddenly whipped your head towards the door again. "I hope you're good tonight." you brought your hand to cover your mouth by surprise; Luke. "And I know you don't feel right when I'm leaving. Yeah, I want it but no, I don't need it. Tell me something sweet to get me by, 'cause I can't come back home till they're singing..." slowly he comes to the room with a bouquet of roses in hand, singing the song you adored. He came with his tuxedo and everyone in the room except you knew this was going to happen.

"If you can wait till I get home, Then I swear to you that we can make this last." your dad took your hand and motioned you to stand up to walked towards Luke while he sang two lines of the chorus. You felt tears building up in your eyes, emotions inside were mixed and your stomach churned in a good way. "If you can wait till I get home, Then I swear come tomorrow, this will all be in our past." he carelessly touched your cheek to wipe the tears you just realized were rolling down. He smiled and said, "Well it might be for the best." everyone clapped and you hugged him, disbelief that this was reality and he was already home.

"You idiot!" you pulled from the hug of reuniting with your boyfriend for almost five months. "You could have been honest with me last night." he thought you were mad but as soon as you chuckle, his tensed muscles were relaxed.

"I wanted to surprise you," he said. "Well, it's their idea but still..." he pointed at his best friends from the back of the room with fake mustaches and their Mexican hats.

"So this is the party? A welcome home party?" you asked, smilingly.

"Actually, it's a part of it." he gave you the bouquet, which you gladly accepted, and he suddenly knelt down in front of you with a small box that you always see in movies but never in front of you.

"Oh my gosh!" Ashton giggled so loud that it kind of ruined the moment. "I'm sorry, my adrenaline rush's kicking in!" you guys got back to the moment.

"Y/F/N," he bit his lower lip as his habit. "I'm so not prepared for what to say because you don't like me being too much of a romantic guy or too much of a cheesy guy that you think you might just puke but there's only one thing I wanted to say...maybe two..." he was adorable and you chuckled a bit. "At the first week of our relationship, I started to believe that your name should have a Hemmings on it and I still believe you should."

"Lame." you heard Calum snorted from the back.

"Oh shut up." Ashton hushed.

"And in front of your parents and my brothers and my parents...I, as a lame, tall guy, asking for your hand in marriage to be my future lovely, awesome wife. You're awesome before and even now and still lovely up to now but you know I justー"

"Shut up Luke." Michael decided to intervened and instead of being annoyed, you find it hilarious as always.

He scratched the back of his neck and asked, "So what do you say?"

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