Acquaintance Party (Michael Clifford imagine)

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Acquaintance Party (Michael Clifford imagine)

If only you knew how much Michael loves waking up every morning with you by his side, sleeping quietly in the same sheets of the same bed in the same room. He lightly chuckled from the thought of it as he caressed your cheek during your sleep before he got up to make breakfast, or try to make breakfast. You've been with Michael for as long as you can remember. You can't even reconcile with your memories how you met him and how he asked you to be his girlfriend. You just know that you're in an acquaintance party and he was present along with his friends. Maybe, you thought, you played 20 questions with him by the balcony of the house. Or maybe you played Truth or Dare with people you're acquainted with, including Michael.

But whatever that was, you were glad you ended up with Michael with a year relationship. Michael was twice as glad and he can't even explain what was he's feeling for every day on that matter. He's doing things he never thought he would, just for you. Like, you brought the best of him. Ashton was surprised about this since he's the first one who knew about your relationship with Michael. He knew Michael as a lazy ass gamer when on vacation or something, but to what he's seeing now, he's doing chores. Like who does chores? Calum, on the other hand, was happy for it. He'll tease Michael as the "housewife" while you go to your school. Michael would always let him off the hook, which took him to be surprise about it. You never said anything about it so you weren't the one who cause him not to shot him back a "burn" moment. Luke, however, was just the same. He treated Michael the same even before the news was out about you two.

Long before you came around, he was feeling shit after he broke up with his first girlfriend. He wrote songs on papers and locked himself up in a room until show starts. He fake a laugh, a smile and tried to amuse the audience which was a hard thing for Michael to do publicly. They helped him by going to an acquaintance party, hoping he would talk to people other than the crews and them as a band. And then you came around and helped Michael in giving hope and positive outcomes to situations he's asking you on 20 questions. You were helping without realizing you're getting Michael to go back to who he was before.

And the thing he could only give you back as an appreciation was himself, a dozen boxes of pizza, a warm cuddle and love. Because that's what he wants you to feel. You are special and if it wasn't for you, maybe he's still writing sad songs to produce on their next album. Or the obvious thing, he would never met a girl like you.

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