The Ocean (Michael Clifford one shot)

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Dedication: corruptxdhes

Note: I know it's been a long time (without you, my friend) but what matters is I'm (kind of) back and if you're actually reading this, I just want you to be updated on what's going on in my life right now (you can skip, it's totes free). As of now, I'm experiencing the stressful part of my life as a student; thesis. I'm still in tenth grade and this is not going great for me (and normal in my country because we shouldn't be doing such project this early). It's consuming too much of my time and energy to actually create a story, let alone a chapter. It's taking the life out of me to say the least.

Now, knowing I'm still alive, I still won't be consistent on updating and all that. Let's just say I just got away with what supposed to be a productive time to do my school works because I don't want to do them. Shout out to my amazing friend, Rica (the dedication above is her!) who asked me to make her one. This is just one of the many things I've been working on and I'm excited to show the others in the near future :--)

The Ocean (Michael Clifford one shot)

It's easy to jump and dive into the sea but it's hard to descent from it. I, for certain, have just realized that the moment I coincidentally laid my eyes on Michael, the same time his eyes landed onto mine. I was the one who tore the contact first, I didn't want it to have some meaning to him, although sometimes I wished I just stayed and see his reaction. But, sighing, I've already tore it off.

It's actually been four months since we last properly talked (and it's all mostly consisted of school related subjects) and exactly seven months that I've been torturing myself with these called feelings. It's the torture you wanted to feel every second although you consciously know it's not right and it's a moronic thing to feel good about. I shouldn't be feeling this-this thing in the first place, really. The first time we actually had a conversation was six months ago and it's about the project we were tied to take. It wasn't just us, we had Calum, a mutual friend and my best friend, Aya.

During those times, I never found myself clicked with Michael immediately. We tease each other a lot and has countered dozens of sassy remarks towards each other. Then during the last week before the project's deadline, he just became an important person in my life. He held a significant mark on my mind and even saying his name leads a bittersweet taste in my mouth. That was six months ago but as soon as the project ended, he drifted apart and I was left drowning.

"Rica, come on!" I snapped out of my fantasy and whipped my head towards Aya's direction. She grabbed my arm and pulled me to follow her. "What is wrong with you? What are you looking at?" Aya tried to look behind me but I saw defeat in her eyes when she looked back at me.

Aya liked Michael, unfortunately. Well, she was the first one to tell that she liked him and that was before we even talked and I slowly merged myself into the ocean. Knowing this, I never wanted to tell her about my feelings, what would be her reaction if I did? I don't even want to know.

"Aya," she didn't stopped walking, she was finding a vacant table in this crowded cafeteria and blessed our souls, we finally found one. "Aya." I called out to her again once we already settled down.

She immediately looked up and asked, "What?" but I immediately regretted my decision to call her out. What was I thinking? Before I could even shook my head, she said with a grin, "Hey, guess who's courting your best friend."

I cocked my eyebrow, confused.

"Yeah, well..." she trailed off, her grin immediately replaced by a sheepish smile. "I know I owe you an explanation so calm down, I'm going to tell you." I nodded and listened eagerly to my best friend. "Remember Ashton from the school next door? We met two weeks ago from a party that my mom forced me to go with and god, it was his brother's party!" I remembered Ashton, he was a transferred student last year but he transferred to the 'school next door'. The reason was a mystery to me that I had no intention of knowing. "And after that, he took my number and we send texts until he begged my mom to court me! Isn't it amazing?"

"What about Michael?" I blurted out.

"What about him?" she stared at me for a moment, confused, until she added, "Oh! I heard he likes someone else and that ruined my hopes and dreams of becoming Mrs. Clifford."

"Mrs. Clifford?" we both froze from our seats when we both heard a familiar voice. Out of all people, really? "Who wants to be Mrs. Clifford?" he asked as he rested the palms of his hands onto the two corners of the table, alternately looking at us.

"Uh, no one? Pft, you and your ego, Michael." Aya decided to speak up, trying to cover her pink tinted cheeks by fixing her hair. "What are you even doing here?" they are always like that; cats and dogs. You wouldn't even know she liked Michael until you observed her eyes on how they look at him.

Now it's just a look that doesn't mean a thing.

"I need Rica," he answered and looked back at me. My eyes widen and pointed towards myself. His lips formed into a smile and said, confirming, "Yep. Come on."

"W-Wait! Where do you think you're-"

"Aya, stop acting like a mother for once, will you? If it would make you happy, Ashton said hi and he's excited for your date tomorrow." he smirked and pulled me away from the table, not wanting to hear any of Aya's response at that time. I looked back and saw her flabbergasted, she obviously didn't knew Michael would know her relationship with Ashton (but I bet he just found the information from her profile when probay she changed her relationship status from 'single' to 'in a relationship').

"Michael, where are we going?" as much as I wanted his skin touching mine, I was curious. We already got out of the cafeteria and almost going out into the empty football field.

"Somewhere quiet?" his response came out more of a question and I was more confused as to what he really is planning.

"You don't know?" he stopped dead on his tracks once we got ourselves standing almost in the middle of the wide field. His back was against me while his hand was still holding mine. "Michael?" my heart was thumping hard inside my chest. Excitement and anxiety were all over me.

He immediately turned around, letting go off my hand and wrapping his arms around me instead. I stood still, shocked to my feet as he towered me and his embrace became my clothes. He spoke gently onto my ear, my hands still on my sides, "I'm sorry."

"W-What?" I barely asked. I didn't anticipated for this to happen yet I felt like I'm doing the right thing.

"I'm sorry if I had to shut you out for a long time. I'm sorry if you ever think I'm an asshole for deserting you." to be honest, I really did think he is but right now, all I could ever think was his arms around me and his motives of doing this. "I actually am not sober if you haven't noticed." he let out a giggle and that's when I realized I was holding my breath.

"You attended school, drunk?" I asked, surprised.

"Eh, fifty-fifty, perhaps?" he chuckled it off.

"You never changed." he never did and that's the thing I still haven't moved on from this boy. He never changed at all and either are my feelings.

He leaned back with his arms not moving. Our bodies were like two parts that go together in a puzzle, it was just that perfect. He smiled as he stared onto my eyes but I was uncomfortable with his eyes, it was just too beautiful. "After all those times, I still love you." he said quietly but I heard it correctly and it was enough to make me feel the butterflies in my stomach.

I was no longer drowning into the endless ocean. I saw the light from above and these arms of Michael were around me to help me rise above.

"I was scared that I wasn't too good for you, that's why I drifted away. But you know what, it was scarier without you," he tucked loose strands of my hair behind my ear as I decided to make contact. "As I drifted away, I keep looking back to where you are, lost in the crowd. It just made me missed you so much." his eyes were so genuine and pure, how can he be this more beautiful?

I leaned in and kissed him. It was nonverbal and he completely understood it when he moved his lips, and synced with mine. I was no longer in the ocean, drowning and vulnerable. I was where I belong, to where Michael made me feel belonging; in his arms.

I leaned back yet his hand was behind my head as he laid his forehead onto mine. I whispered, "I love you too." and that's all it matters.

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