No, Not Love At First Sight (Luke Hemmings imagine)

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I dedicate this imagine to @maryysabelleabdon because she's amazing and she casted me in her story (in the external link if you wanna check it out). Also, she asked me to create her one like this and I'm like, "Oh god idk what to create" in my mind but I accepted her request because why not? This is a LOOOOONG TIME AGO (I'm sorry).

 No, Not Love at First Sight (Luke Hemmings one shot) 

Luke Hemmings have been working his ass down the music shop and at this tutoring lessons he's paid for. Wednesday afternoon, after school hours and his only rest day from tutoring this junior kid, laying down on his bed with his eyes close. But he wasn't sleeping, he can't sleep at all. He took the other side of the bed, hugging his pillow during the process of turning around, but nothing's working. He opened his eyes and sighed. It has been a long time, Luke thought before he turned his head to his night table where his phone was (and on top of an empty pizza box) along with a ripped box of condom (it was from Michael's who's his roommate), a unused bowl and crumpled papers. It was a mess, like his room, but he didn't bother. Michael Clifford, his roommate, was the one cleaning them. They took halves of chores, that's why; Luke's on laundry, cooking and paying bills while Michael cleans the whole apartment, take the neighbor's dog a walk for extra money and groceries. Speaking of Michael, Luke sat up and took his phone to check if he messaged him.

Michael: hey bro im at walmart text back if you needed anything aside from the usual (sent: 3:47pm)

Luke: yeah man i need 3 red bulls thanks (delivered: 4:02pm)

He needed somehow to energize himself to do something productive if he wasn't dozing off. Nothing was going as planned anyway. He got up and took a quick bath, putting just his boxers and a random shirt from his closet after. He got out of his room, thinking about things that he could do like taking a jog on an afternoon or drive downtown to get Michael a new video game they could play with (yeah, it's a productive thing). He heaved a sigh, or maybe drove to the outskirts where he first met Mary. Mary, the only thing he knew about the girl aside from the fact she ran away from her home at that time and it was two years ago. I wonder where she is now, Luke said to himself as he stared at their television which was still powered off. Luke wouldn't really believe on "Love at first sight", it wasn't even real. Moreover, he would believe that he was attracted at her for the first glance.

He remembered it was raining and he's finding Michael everywhere in the town. He hadn't arrived home after he told Luke that he was just going to take the dog for a walk. Where could have they gone of, Luke was worried and pissed at the same time. He haven't done any sleep and he has a History test the next morning. He called Michael, even texted him countless times, but to no hope of his reply. Until he drove outskirts, there's this bridge connecting from the town and into this village district, and he drove past this figure at the sidewalk as if homeless. He was doubting on hitting the break, if he could not bother about it at all but the loud shudder of rain and thunder made him swerve his car to go back to the figure. He took his umbrella from the backseat and came out of the car with the umbrella open. He ran towards to what he discovered was a girl and he covered her from above her head.

"Woman, are you waiting for someone?" Luke asked loudly because of the loud noises of rain pouring down. "If you're new here, no one's going to come here like transportation at night." she didn't answer, she was just sitting on the curb with her head down and dripping wet. Luke sighed, he could have left her alone but he wasn't taught by his mother to do that so he sat beside her although he'll get his pants wet but he didn't care at that moment. Luke was thinking maybe she was in trouble or something was bothering her, or sleeping. But she suddenly tilted her head up with eyes puffy red and endless tears on her cheeks. He was attracted to her, even though she was looking like a mess, he didn't know why. And that attraction made Luke stayed a little longer, wanting her to know she got his side. Luke was trying to put words to have a conversation with her, so he wouldn't look like he wanted her in his pants or anything that mostly strangers would take advantage of. No, he wanted to help and he wanted to know what happened.

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