Us (Michael Clifford imagine)

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SEMBREAK'S HERE AND I'M HERE SO WHAT HAPPEN NEXT? And whoever you are, Joanne, this is for you. c:

p.s I just realized there's only one mc imagine here don't you guys like mikey :--(

Us (Michael Clifford imagine)

"You're packing your bags?" he wasn't looking, he never dared the moment I opened my luggage. I looked straight to the magazine cover, hoping he could put it down and face me but it didn't happened. I sighed to myself and walked over to the other side of my room, opening my blue-painted closet. I didn't managed to answer his first question when comes up with another one while I took my yellow shirt from being buried down, "Where are you going?"

I tried to look above the magazine but I again failed, only seeing his red dyed hair that I once knew was blonde. "I told you before, I was enrolled in a boarding school."

"In Canada?" he swiftly asked again, turning a page after as if he's reading. I rolled my eyes and took his magazine out of his grip to see him deapanned.

I sat at the edge of my bed, facing him sitting on my lime green bean bag. "Michael-"

"Do I have to know it from someone that isn't you?" with his jade green eyes flaring as if would burn a hole on my skin, I looked down to my thighs. That's right, I'm packing my bags for my flight to Canada. I'll be studying there from now on, which wasn't my choice but my mom wanted me to have time with my grandparents. She said, I'm too caught up with my friends and hanging out with Michael that I forgot about my second parents. I just rolled my eyes from her and said okay, now I'm here. To be honest, Michael Clifford wasn't just my best friend or can be called as my lover, what should I call it? We just have this mutual feeling to one another but he wasn't asking me on a date or anything like that. I'm not disappointed about it, I'm just confused on the level we're in.

"Do you have to take it deep?"

"LDR never worked for me and you know that, Joanne." he said and I felt my eyes widen. Relationship? I heard him heaved a long sigh when I looked up to him. His hands clasped to one another and his back leaned in with his elbows placed on top of his thighs. He then brushed his hair up and glanced at me before going back to his fiddling fingers, "I'm not going to risk this thing if it's you. I don't lose you." he emphasized the last two words.

"You're not going to lose me," I mumbled.

"You're beautiful inside and out, who wouldn't fall for you?" he rhetorically asked. He shook his head, "If only I could marry you tonight so everyone will know you're mine and you're taken. I would definitely do it."

"Michael," I suddenly called out his name that made him stare at me with his right eyebrow up in question. "Is there an us?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" I could feel his confusion in his voice as he asked. He stood up from the bean bag and sat beside me. "Joanne..." I looked at him with a gloomy smile.

"M-Michael, I don't know what's happening between us. L-Like-I mean, we confessed but I didn't got any signal that we're official?" the words came out like it's a question as he listened with full focus and attention to me. "You never dated me." I continued short.

"Is that the thing you're bothered with?" I slowly nodded. He gave me his smile and wrapped his arms around me like a warm embrace. His hot breath was tickling me on the nape of my neck, I tried not to chuckle in a serious talk. "Dates are for knowing each other and I've already know you since. But if you're still pursuing..." I whimpered in my mind when his arms were gone on my touch. He suddenly kneel both knees down on my carpeted floor, trying to take in this kind of progress we're making.

"You don't have to do that, Mikey!" I let out a chuckle, holding both of his soft hands to help him stand up but he didn't budge. He was grinning and I just had to do the same, it was contagious.

"No, let me just do this." he cleared his throat and I rolled my eyes. "The moment you lend me a crayon and taught me that the king's crown drawn on my paper was supposed to be yellow and not blue, I just had this feeling that we've meet again. And I was right when we were second grade, you were this pretty girl sitting at the back with everyone adoring you 'cause you're beautiful. I hope you still remember but I was that kid who gave you that smiley face drawing." he giggled from the nostalgic memory.

I nodded, "You wrote I'm pretty."

"Well you are, princess." he gently touched my chin and leaned in to sync his lips with mine. Although it was the second time, I wasn't still used to the butterflies in my stomach and the feather-like feeling. He moved in passion as I wrapped my arms around his neck, slowing leaning back to arched us down on my bed. Moment that feels forever, he pulled back and grasped for air. I did the same but later on we laughed and I buried my face on his neck. "I love you so much, Joanne, and you shouldn't doubt that like I do when you said the same."

"You're too cheesy, stop it." I heard him chuckled lightly.

"Every relationship has that one person to be so cheesy if you'd let me be that person." he winked.

"Yes, Michael," I genuinely smiled at him. "I'll let you be that person." I gave him a peck on his lips but his hand suddenly got hold behind my head so it became our third kiss. I flushed in pink when he did but we continue on.

"So," he pulled back. "Ice cream?"

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