Getting Laid or Nah?(Calum Hood one shot)

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sorry if i have been inactive. been doing a lot of things in school lately and i just want to say thank you for the guys out there who still stick up with me and my stories ily guys always remember that x

p.s i suck at titles

Getting Laid or Nah? (Calum Hood one shot)

Calum was just lying on his bed while his eyes were focused on his ceiling, consuming his time with different thoughts filling his head every second. He was supposed to be sleeping soundly as it was already half past eleven at night. He couldn't sleep anyways and he couldn't clear his mind with the fact that he still have school tomorrow. For a while, he's been thinking about you lately.

Last week, Calum found out that you broke up with your boyfriend. He didn't have a clue of who ended the "lovely" relationship but he was sure as hell, it deeply wounded you. He haven't asked you about it, clearly he can't find the strength to tell about something you're saddened about. Obviously, it would be worse on the situation. But every day, he kept complimenting you in every small thing, effort and even just by your presence, he would never disappoint you. Frankly, he was glad you finally had a boyfriend but he wasn't amused by how your boyfriend - or rather, your ex boyfriend - took away all of your supposed time with him. Also frankly, he was glad you got rid of him but he couldn't take how it indeed affect you on your daily basis. You didn't even realized it also affected Calum.

"Hey man," Calum looked up to his blonde blue-eyed best friend, Luke, as he dropped his bag beside his chair and plumped down. "You okay?" he asked Calum the next day.

"Yeah," he wiped the sleep away from his eyes and avoided the yawning. "Totally cool." his lame reply.

Luke didn't feel the presence of positivity in his answer but he shrugged it off when later on, Michael came and sat down beside him. Luke kissed the red-haired boy on his cheek by surprise which Michael return on his neck where Luke was sensitive at.

Calum rolled his eyes and let out a slight chortle, "You guys, this is a school. Can you guys hold the hormones for a bit?"

Michael laughed and leaned back to look at Calum and said, "You're acting like a virgin." Luke just flushed in embarrassment on his seat and tried to focus on his notebook that he once flipped.

"That's because I am a virgin, Mikey."

"You gotta be laid sooner or later." Michael smirked and Calum knew where this conversation was going. As if on cue, Calum immediately whipped his head beside him where your seat was and he noticed that you've just arrived without any greeting. You were just as tired as Calum but you were twice worse than him.

He noticed. Luke noticed. Michael noticed.

But nevertheless, Calum said, "Hey, good morning."

You were alarmed and whipped your head to where your best friend and the sudden tension that b uilt up in your system calmed after that. You replied with a small, tight smile, "Hey."

"You looked tired." Luke immediately intervened. Despite that this boy knew the reason behind it - well, mostly everyone at school - he just couldn't shut his concerning mouth.

Before you can even tell a pathetic excuse, Michael then said, "Y/N might just be busy with tons of homework. With all the french, trigonometry and stuff." everyone then forget about Luke asking such when their teacher in Physics came in with a foul mood.


"She's not going to bite you, Cal, geez," Michael rolled his eyes from his lame excuse that he couldn't ask you to go out with them in a friday party. If he could do it with a joke ready to provoke you to come, today was different. "She's not a fucking zombie."

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